Library for working with RSA keys using Elixir and OpenSSL ports.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:rsa_ex, "~> 0.4"}]
- Ensure
is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:rsa_ex]]
- Generate RSA 2048 Private Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
- Generate RSA 2048 Public Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, pub} = RsaEx.generate_public_key(priv)
- Generate RSA 4096 Public Key
iex> {:ok, priv} = RsaEx.generate_private_key("4096")
iex> {:ok, pub} = RsaEx.generate_public_key(priv)
- Generate RSA 2048 Private/Public Keypair
iex> {:ok, {priv, pub}} = RsaEx.generate_keypair
- Generate RSA 4096 Private/Public Keypair
iex> {:ok, {priv, pub}} = RsaEx.generate_keypair("4096")
- Sign message with RSA private key
iex> {:ok, rsa_private_key} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, signature} = RsaEx.sign("message", rsa_private_key)
- Sign message with RSA private key specifying a custom dygest type
iex> {:ok, rsa_private_key} = RsaEx.generate_private_key
iex> {:ok, signature} = RsaEx.sign("message", rsa_private_key, :sha512)
- Verify signature with RSA public key
iex> {:ok, valid} = RsaEx.verify(message, signature, rsa_public_key)
- Verify signature with RSA public key specifying a custom dygest type
iex> {:ok, valid} = RsaEx.verify(message, signature, rsa_public_key, :sha512)
- Encrypt message with RSA public key in base64
iex> clear_text = "Important message"
"Important message"
iex> {:ok, cipher_text} = RsaEx.encrypt(clear_text, {:public_key, rsa_public_key})
{:ok, "Lmbv...HQ=="}
- Encrypt message with RSA private key in base64
iex> clear_text = "Important message"
"Important message"
iex> {:ok, cipher_text} = RsaEx.encrypt(clear_text, {:private_key, rsa_private_key})
{:ok, "Lmbv...HQ=="}
- Decrypt message with RSA private key
iex> {:ok, decrypted_clear_text} = RsaEx.decrypt(cipher_text, {:private_key, rsa_private_key})
{:ok, "Important message"}
- Decrypt message with RSA public key
iex> {:ok, decrypted_clear_text} = RsaEx.decrypt(cipher_text, {:public_key, rsa_public_key})
{:ok, "Important message"}