Ansible Role to bootstrap linux servers.
It runs some basic setup tasks to bring a cleanly installed linux server up to the needed standards for further usage.
- Debian 11
- Debian 12
# latest
ansible-galaxy role install git+
# from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.linux_bootstrap
# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.linux_bootstrap --roles-path ./roles
# install dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
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Define the ssh/update/user/group/network/ufw config as needed.
configure_network: true
configure_firewall: true
configure_users: true
install_tools: true
host_fqdn: '' # optional
configure: true
port: 10022
auto_pwd: false
# auth_multi: true # if you want to enforce pwd & pubkey combined for ssh-authentication
msg: true # show pre- and post-login banners
- 'Welcome to the secret server!'
enable: true
exclude_kernel: true
exclusions: ['haproxy']
logging_verbose: true
users: # more info:
comment: 'AnsibleGuy'
ssh_pub: 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBKkIlii1iJM240yPSPS5WhrdQwGFa7BTJZ59ia40wgVWjjg1JlTtr9K2W66fNb2zNO7tLkaNzPddMEsov2bJAno='
members: []
members: ['guy']
member_of: ['ag_users']
network: # more info:
address: ''
gateway: ''
ufw_rules: # more info:
port: 10022
proto: 'tcp'
log: true
rule: 'limit'
port: 80,443
proto: 'tcp'
I've not yet found a solution for reloading the 'meta-variables' (like the targets ip-address, ssh-port and ssh-credentials) so the bootstrapping can be done in one run. See also: Issue
Therefor the bootstrapping got 'part'-flags as shown in the example below.
Run the playbook:
# prerequisites:
# 1. you must be able to connect via ssh with a user that has root privileges
# the easiest way to do this - is to set 'PermitRootLogin' to 'yes' temporarily and restart the sshd service
# 2. connect to the server one time using ssh to mark the host-key as known
# 1. connecting the first time using root, the default ssh-port and currently active ip
# this part will deploy: basics, auto-update, users & groups, ssh- and ufw-config
# NOTE: you might need to add the '--ask-vault-pass' flag if you're using ansible-vault to secure your user-passwords
# example using root
ansible-playbook --ask-pass -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e ansible_port="$init_port" -e ansible_user="$init_user" -e ansible_host="$init_ip" -e part=1
# example using other privileged user
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e ansible_port="$init_port" -e ansible_user="$init_user" -e ansible_host="$init_ip" -e part=1
# 2. re-run to deploy the network config
# NOTE: if the ip-address changes - the network task will show an error
# example using a privileged user
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e ansible_host="$init_ip" --ask-vault-pass -e part=2
# after this setup you can re-run the bootstrapping as often as you want/need to update its config
# NOTE: you might need to add the '--ask-vault-pass' flag if you're using ansible-vault to secure your user-passwords
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml
There are also some useful tags available:
- base
- interfaces
- routing
- auth
- update
- ufw
- ssh
- part1
- part2
Package installation
- Ansible dependencies (minimal)
- Administrative tools
- Virtual machine guest-tools (vmware/kvm)
- lightweight administrative tools
Default opt-in:
- OpenSSH server
- Users/Groups => using THIS role
Default opt-out:
Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.
For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!
Note: this role currently only supports debian-based systems
Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!
Info: Prerequisites:
You must be able to connect via ssh with a user that has root privileges. The easiest way to do this - is to set 'PermitRootLogin' to 'yes' temporarily and restart the sshd service.
Connect to the server one time using ssh to mark the host-key as known.