Answer King Python App
- Uses
to build a virtual environment and installs all necessary packages - Follow installation documentation to configure Poetry for Windows
- Uses
- Required by
package to detect and verify correct types have been used in the codebase
- Required by
- Used to set up a disposable local MySQL database quickly.
- Install Docker following the docs here.
- Used to set up a disposable local MySQL database quickly.
- dependencies: python3.10 git curl libmysqlclient-dev build-essential python3.10-dev
- Open root folder and run command
poetry install
- This will install a virtual environment to a path that looks like this
. Alternatively, run commandpoetry env info
orpoetry show -v
in the folder containingpyproject.toml
and this will display where the virtual environment was installed
- Add the required environment variables. The easiest ways to do this is with a .env file which can be provided by another member of the team.
- Install the required MySQL container using
docker compose up -d
- Migrate the database using
poetry run python migrate
- Run program using
poetry run python runserver
- Test program using
poetry run python test
Commands for maintaining consistency and PEP8 standards across codebase, as well as checking code coverage.
poetry run pyright
- Run in root folder
poetry run black .
- To follow PEP8 guidelines for line length
poetry run black --line-length=79 .
- To follow PEP8 guidelines for line length
- Run in root folder
- Run in root folder
poetry run pycodestyle .
- To ignore
E501 line too long
error as this will be handled byblack
. Runpoetry run pycodestyle --ignore=E501 .
- To ignore
- Run in root folder
- Test using coverage
poetry run coverage run test
- View coverage report in the terminal
poetry run coverage report
- Generate interactive coverage file to view in a browser
poetry run coverage html
, then openhtmlcov/index.html
- View coverage report in the terminal
- Test using coverage
To view the python backend application we can spin up the app on docker. To do this ensure docker is installed then:
- create a .env.production file containing (filling out the database password with your chosen password):
run in git bash :
docker compose build
docker compose --env-file .env.production up
(This runs your built image with the .env.production variables)
send HTTP requests to
To view the AnswerKing Python API documentation in Swagger as per OpenAPI specification, visit the following URL while your local server is running:
When raising a PR it goes through the Continuous Integration pipeline which has been implemented. This consists of two pipelines; one for Integration testing and one for static code anaylsis testing.
This pipeline consists of the following checks:
- This checks that the formating package black has been run on the code to format it in a consistent way acording to PEP 8 guidelines. The line length has been set to 79 characters.
- This checks that PEP 8 guidelines have been adhered to. We ignore error code E501 which is raised if the length of the line is over 82 characters long. This is ok to ignore as the previous
check ensures that the line length is less than 79 characters where possible.
- This checks that PEP 8 guidelines have been adhered to. We ignore error code E501 which is raised if the length of the line is over 82 characters long. This is ok to ignore as the previous
- This checks that static type checking has been implemented properly.
- This runs the written unit tests against the PR code.
- SonarCloud is also run agains the PR code and checks for non-optimal code (code smells), Bugs in the code, vulnerabilities in the code, and potential security issues in the code (security Hotspots). It also check duplicated code and code coverage. SonarCloud has been configured so that if there are any Code smells, Bugs, Vulnerabilities or Security Hotspots in the code the PR will be blocked until these are resolved. It is also set up to block the PR if the percentage duplication is above 4% or the code coverage is less than 80%.
This pipeline runs the integration tests and tests the connection to the database is working correctly.
Dependabot has been implemented to notify and automatically update to new versions of any packages we have within our poetry dependancy file.
The infrastructure created by running terraform in the terraform/ecs_fargate
folder is illustrated below:
To deploy the application to a server accessible by a public IP address:
- create a
file in theecs_fargate
folder containing the following variables:
variable "django_secret_key" {
type = string
description = "Django secret key."
default = "<DJANGO_SECRET_KEY>"
variable "aws_account_id" {
type = string
default = "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>"
variable "dns_hosted_zone_id" {
type = string
description = "ID of the hosted zone."
default = "<DNS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID>"
can be found in the AWS console. Search for Route 53, select 'Hosted zone' under 'DNS management' and look in the 'Hosted zone ID' column.
- run the following in the command line while in the
directory:terraform init
terraform apply
- push to a release branch to build and push Docker image to the created ECR.
- from the AWS console search for Elastic Container Service, select
. - go to the Tasks tab and then select the running container. Here you can open or copy the IP address.
- when finished run
terraform destroy
to tear down the infrastructure.
The ECR should already be created but if it is not, and you get an error follow the procedure outlined below:
- create a
file in theecs_fargate
folder containing the following resource:
resource "aws_ecr_repository" "python_ecr_repository" {
name = "${var.project_name}-repo"
- run the
terraform apply
command. - to stop the ECR being deleted by terraform destroy, first delete the
file. - then run this command to remove it from the state file
terraform state rm "aws_ecr_repository.python_ecr_repository"
. This will leave the ECR for future runs using the infrastructure.