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Ansys Techcon 2022 - PyVista: Visualizing CAE and Results with Python

This repository contains the content for the PyVista - Visualizing CAE and Results with Python presentation.

These slides were generated using the Ansys Beamer Template

Please visit the PyVista Tutorial for more details

Comments or Suggestions

Please feel free to point out any problems with this presentation by opening an issue.

View the Presentation

Visit techcon_2022_pyvista.pdf to see the full generated presentation.


Build it Yourself

Due to the usage of ttf fonts, this template requires LuaTeX.

On Linux (Debian) install with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y latexmk texlive-luatex texlive-fonts-extra

On Windows, use a distribution like MiKTeX. See Get LaTeX.


Clone this repository with:

git clone
cd techcon-2022-pyvista

Build with:

latexmk -pdflatex=lualatex -pdf *.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -outdir=./build --shell-escape

Or simply:


This will output techcon_2022_pyvista.pdf in the build directory.