Ant Group, the leading supplier of online financial services in China, has been involved in open-source initiatives since it was founded. We continually encourage the growth of open-source communities.
Ant Group offers a high value on open-source communities too. According to our vision, "Create future-ready digital infrastructure for the service industry, and bring small and beautiful changes to the world. " Also, we aspire to make small contributions and changes to open-source communities.
The Ant Group is committed to open source and has released numerous kinds of projects, which are included below.
蚂蚁集团起步于 2004 年诞生的支付宝,源于一份为社会解决信任问题的初心,经过近二十年的发展,已成为世界领先的互联网开放平台。我们致力于将技术普惠到开源社区,一直伴随开源社区的成长。
Finally, if you are interested in Ant Group we welcome you to join us, or you may contact us at