npm i in the client folder to install deps
create .env file and copy the variables from .env.example file to it
npm run dev to start the client
npm i in the backend folder to install deps
create .env file and copy the variables from .env.example file to it
npm run start:dev to start the backend
create a postgres database and insert its name in .env
to run the migration type npm run migration:run
to create the migration firstly build the project with npm run build then write npm run migration:generate
Node: 20
Postgres: 16
Db was also deployed on Render
Api key is correctly set on deploy therefore you won't get unauthorized error, however it throws an error when the key is incorrect and toast notification will show it, you can provide any key you want in .env as long as it the same both on client and server
Tests on the backend are written in post.resolver.spec.ts
On client in tests folder
Redux was also considered to be used here but found that it will have almost no use, but it could have been easily implemented
Due to the fact the render deploy is free some requests may take some time to respond