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libGDX Spriter Demo (updated)

A lot of the example libGDX Spriter repositories are old and I had a hard time making them work in HTML/GWT specifically so I created this repo so that anyone can get a quick Spriter project working in libGDX's GWT/HTML backend.

Click image below to see video of the demo:

Spriter libGDX 1.11.0 demo

This project template was created using gdx-liftoff. It uses gdxVersion 1.11.0.

This project includes the spriter and gdx-spriter source code in the core module because I wanted to modify some of the code. For example:

  • the entire library uses a custom Point class, which I am slowly migrating to libGDX's Vector2 class.
  • the original examples used FileHandle.file() which is not supported in HTML/GWT.
  • renaming the implementation classes.


  • replace all references to the Point class
  • Calculator class could be replaced by calling MathUtils methods in libGDX
  • Math.cbrt() methods that may behave better with negative arguments than Math.pow()
  • add tests and more examples

Dekstop, HTML, Android tested

This new Spriter demo was tested on Desktop, HTML, and a on a physical Android phone and all worked for me.

Project Setup

This libGDX project generated with gdx-liftoff.

Android Studio IDE details:

Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 2

Build #AI-212.5712.43.2112.8815526, built on July 10, 2022

Runtime version: 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840 amd64

This project was generated with a template including simple application launchers and an ApplicationAdapter extension that draws libGDX logo.

  • gwtFrameworkVersion=2.8.2
  • gwtPluginVersion=1.1.18
  • androidPluginVersion=7.0.4
  • gdxVersion=1.11.0


This project uses Gradle to manage dependencies. The Gradle wrapper was included, so you can run Gradle tasks using gradlew.bat or ./gradlew commands. Useful Gradle tasks and flags:

  • --continue: when using this flag, errors will not stop the tasks from running.
  • --daemon: thanks to this flag, Gradle daemon will be used to run chosen tasks.
  • --offline: when using this flag, cached dependency archives will be used.
  • --refresh-dependencies: this flag forces validation of all dependencies. Useful for snapshot versions.
  • android:lint: performs Android project validation.
  • build: builds sources and archives of every project.
  • cleanEclipse: removes Eclipse project data.
  • cleanIdea: removes IntelliJ project data.
  • clean: removes build folders, which store compiled classes and built archives.
  • eclipse: generates Eclipse project data.
  • html:dist: compiles GWT sources. The compiled application can be found at html/build/dist: you can use any HTTP server to deploy it.
  • html:superDev: compiles GWT sources and runs the application in SuperDev mode. It will be available at localhost:8080/html. Use only during development.
  • idea: generates IntelliJ project data.
  • lwjgl3:jar: builds application's runnable jar, which can be found at lwjgl3/build/libs.
  • lwjgl3:run: starts the application.
  • test: runs unit tests (if any).

Note that most tasks that are not specific to a single project can be run with name: prefix, where the name should be replaced with the ID of a specific project. For example, core:clean removes build folder only from the core project.


Updated libGDX Spriter Demo (HTML, Android, Desktop tested)








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