I often felt limited by my computer's processing power and memory capacity to run large data problems. However, spinning up an instance in the cloud (and installing all the packages I needed) was time consuming and diffiult. These scripts will spin up an Amazon EC2 instance and transform it into a fully functioning, easy to use, data science box.
The script installs and configures:
- Jupyter Notebook 5.0.x
- Conda Python 3.x environment
- pandas, matplotlib, scipy, seaborn, scikit-learn, scikit-image, sympy, cython, patsy, statsmodel, cloudpickle, dill, numba, bokeh pre-installed
- Conda R v3.3.x and channel
- plyr, devtools, shiny, rmarkdown, forecast, rsqlite, reshape2, nycflights13, caret, rcurl, and randomforest pre-installed
- The tidyverse R packages are also installed, including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purrr, tibble, stringr, lubridate, and broom
See Install Guide
Building your instance and configuring it is done entirely by running:
terraform apply
The function returns a shareable URL to your Jupyter notebook on the cloud!
See User Guide