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[Upstream Issue] GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames #1406

rickstaa opened this issue Oct 22, 2021 · 46 comments

[Upstream Issue] GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames #1406

rickstaa opened this issue Oct 22, 2021 · 46 comments
⭐ top issue Top issue. upstream Problems caused by upstream issues.


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Describe the bug

Since 2 days the Github Stats Card on my personal appears to be broken when my username is used. When I switch the username to another user, for example, anuraghazra the card starts to work again. Switching from my self-hosted vercel instance to the community one does not solve the issue. All the other cards seem to work fine with my GitHub username. The only error GitHub gives me is the following:

Error Fetching Resource

Might be something I have to sort out with the GitHub support, but I first wanted to check if somebody else is also experiencing this issue.

Expected behaviour

I would expect that the card also works for my username.

Screenshots / Live demo link (paste the github-readme-stats link as markdown image)


Additional info

I currently use #1122 to also receive organization stats, but the issue also appears on the master branch.

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Zethson commented Oct 22, 2021

Also happens to me.

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fzyzcjy commented Oct 22, 2021

Same issue here.

@rickstaa rickstaa changed the title GitHub Stats Card broken for my username GitHub Stats Card broken for several usernames Oct 22, 2021
@rickstaa rickstaa changed the title GitHub Stats Card broken for several usernames GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames Oct 22, 2021
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Also happens to me.

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rickstaa commented Oct 22, 2021

Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one with this problem! Maybe from now, let's add a thumbs up instead of commenting when you don't have additional information relating to this bug. This will keep this issue and our mailbox clutter-free :).

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anuraghazra commented Oct 22, 2021

Okay I don't think this is from our end.

Something is really messed up from github's side.

It's returning error/HTML content on graphql api request


Note that it's only happening for few users.

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rickstaa commented Oct 22, 2021

@anuraghazra Thanks for investigating this issue. It is strange that it does only happen for certain usernames. When I use your username, for example, the GitHub Stats Card works fine. The API appears to be online (see I will create a ticket with the GitHub support.

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anuraghazra commented Oct 22, 2021

Yes, it's weird! only happens with few usernames. Sure thanks, you can report to them only they can fix this.

Also collect all the usernames which are failing.. see #1405 too.

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rickstaa commented Oct 22, 2021

@anuraghazra I will make a list of the usernames that fail. In the meantime, I think I found the field that breaks the GraphQL API. The HTTPS error is thrown when you try to request the following field:

issues(first: 1) {

All the other fields work fine. You can test it out by using the following request in the graphql explorer:

  viewer {
    issues(first: 1) {

Could it be that certain users have too many issues, and it times out? I will add it to the ticket.

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@anuraghazra are you sure the syntax is correct maybe there was an API change. I checked but could not find one. I use the following it appears to work:

issues(states:OPEN) {

But if this is the cause it is strange that it only happens for certain usernames.

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Oh cool! nice find.

But still seems there's something wrong with their APIs.

Could it be that certain users have too many issues, and it times out? I will add it to the ticket.

We are only requesting for the first 1 issue which should not be an issue.
And you certainly don't have a unreasonable amount of issues.

@anuraghazra are you sure the syntax is correct maybe there was an API change.
No the (first: 1) syntax is valid, otherwise it would throw "invalid parameter" error.
And it certainly works for me and other users.

Seems like the issue is specifically with the pagination logic where requesting first: 1 fails the api request.

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@anuraghazra Ah nice, I think we narrowed it down. I will add all the information to the ticket.

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Hope this will be resolved quick by GitHub. Would appreciate a comment here once they give their response to this...
(And just in case: I'm one of those people having issues)

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anuraghazra commented Oct 22, 2021

Found another thing.

Having both filters at once fails, but if i put one by one it works.
Fails :

    issues(states: [OPEN, CLOSED]) {


    issues(states: [CLOSED]) {


    issues(states: [OPEN]) {

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rickstaa commented Oct 22, 2021

@Andre601 I will keep you updated. The ticket that I opened is I however do think it is not public.

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Andre601 commented Oct 22, 2021

#1406 (comment)

Can replicate this (Actually, I just wanted to write this when you commented).
My guess here is that GitHub just fails at retrieving both at once? Or maybe the total amount is important?

@Andre601 I will keep you updated. The ticket that I opened is I however do think it is not public.

It already says in the URL "personal" so it should be obvious if the ticket is public...

@anuraghazra anuraghazra pinned this issue Oct 22, 2021
@anuraghazra anuraghazra added the bug Something isn't working. label Oct 22, 2021
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rickstaa commented Oct 22, 2021

@anuraghazra I added your info to the ticket.

@Andre601 I am aware, I however asked them to see if it is possible to make it public. I listed the ticket number here, might this be possible.

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I however think that all tickets are private. I will keep you updated.

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sskorol commented Oct 22, 2021

Same issue. Stats are broken for me. I use the following layout:

<a target="_blank" href="">
  <img alt="Sergey's GitHub Stats" align="center" src="" />

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I got the following response from the GitHub Team:

It does appear you and the other users hit a timeout. The API(REST and GraphQL) has a timeout on processing requests and if that timeout is hit, the request is terminated and you get back an error. Currently, the timeout is 10 seconds. I have asked the engineering team to help take a further look at this particular timeout and check if it is indeed expected. I don't have an ETA now but will write back to you when I have any news.

sskorol added a commit to sskorol/sskorol that referenced this issue Oct 22, 2021
Temporarily disabled stats for all the commits, until anuraghazra/github-readme-stats#1406 is fixed.
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sskorol commented Oct 22, 2021

Was curious about timeout and changed the include_all_commits=true to false. And stats were successfully loaded in a preview mode.

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I got the following response from the GitHub Team:

It does appear you and the other users hit a timeout. The API(REST and GraphQL) has a timeout on processing requests and if that timeout is hit, the request is terminated and you get back an error. Currently, the timeout is 10 seconds. I have asked the engineering team to help take a further look at this particular timeout and check if it is indeed expected. I don't have an ETA now but will write back to you when I have any news.

Something I didn't ask, but what did you actually write in the ticket?

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rickstaa commented Oct 23, 2021

@Andre601 Of course no problem. As they state that tickets can not be made public I will past my initial question below. Besides that I added extra comments with all the information that was collected in #1406 #1405 and in this topic:

Dear Support Agent,

I just noticed that there is a bug in the graphql API. This bug is preventing the github-readme-stats tool from working (see We narrowed the issue down to the following graphql syntax:

issues(first: 1) {

The issue seems to be with the pagination logic. The strange thing is that it only happens for certain users (see a list of usernames in the issue above).

Thanks a lot in advance,

Reproduction Steps

    Go to the graphql explorer.
    Log in to your user account.
    Try to fetch the following grphql request:

  viewer {
    issues {

Fault Type

Permanent - Occurring repeatably



Last working date

21 October


"\n\n \n <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; connect-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; img-src data:; script-src 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'">\n <meta content="origin" name="referrer">\n Oh snap! · GitHub\n <style type="text/css" media="screen">\n body {\n background-color: #f1f1f1;\n margin: 0;\n font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";\n }\n\n .outer-container {\n position: relative;\n }\n\n .container {\n width: 600px;\n text-align: center;\n\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n }\n\n a { color: #4183c4; text-decoration: none; }\n a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }\n\n h1 { letter-spacing: -1px; line-height: 60px; font-size: 60px; font-weight: 100; margin: 0px; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; }\n p { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin: 20px 0 40px; }\n\n ul { list-style: none; margin: 25px 0; padding: 0; }\n li { display: table-cell; font-weight: bold; width: 1%; }\n\n .logo { display: inline-block; margin-top: 35px; }\n .logo-img-2x { display: none; }\n @media\n only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),\n only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),\n only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {\n .logo-img-1x { display: none; }\n .logo-img-2x { display: inline-block; }\n }\n\n #suggestions {\n margin-top: 35px;\n color: #ccc;\n }\n #suggestions a {\n color: #666666;\n font-weight: 200;\n font-size: 14px;\n margin: 0 10px;\n }\n\n .emoji {\n color: #000;\n line-height: 1;\n }\n\n \n \n \n\n <div class="container">\n\n Oh snap!\n \n Something, somewhere, has gone horribly, horribly wrong.\n If the problem persists, try refreshing your browser.\n \n <div id="suggestions">\n <a href="\">Contact Support —\n <a href="\">GitHub Status —\n <a href="\">@githubstatus\n \n\n <a href="/" class="logo logo-img-1x">\n <img width="32" height="32" title="" alt="" src="">\n \n\n <a href="/" class="logo logo-img-2x">\n <img width="32" height="32" title="" alt="" src="">\n \n \n \n\n"

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@Andre601 Let me know if you want me to add something.


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@anuraghazra I verified that your hotfix works when dropping 81b6593.


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@anuraghazra I just received the following reply from the GitHub Support:

Hi Rick,
It appears the author of the library shipped a fix and the issue is now resolved.

#1406 (comment)

I'll go ahead and mark this ticket as solved but do reach out again if you have any further concerns.

GitHub Support

Are you satisfied with using the current hotfix or do you want me to state why the timeout issue should be fixed at their side?

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anuraghazra commented Oct 25, 2021

@anuraghazra I just received the following reply from the GitHub Support:

Hi Rick,
It appears the author of the library shipped a fix and the issue is now resolved.
#1406 (comment)
I'll go ahead and mark this ticket as solved but do reach out again if you have any further concerns.
GitHub Support

WTF! How does my hotfix justifies the problem as "solved"?

Of course it should be fixed from their side, it's an literal issue with their API responses. There could be other services which might use their graphql apis and those will also suffer the same problem.

Give them this example error,

  "errors": [
      "message": "Something went wrong while executing your query. Please include `E6A8:098D:10A0805:332E750:6176B687` when reporting this issue."


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@rickstaa maybe you can tell them that this is certainly a major issue with the GitHub GraphQL API and should be communicated to the respective engineering teams.

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rickstaa commented Oct 25, 2021

@anuraghazra I was also surprised by the response. Such a response is however sadly not uncomment on tickets like this since companies are often highly protective of the time of their developers. I will try to reiterate the importance of solving this issue. I will send it to your gmail so you can review it before I send it. I can also post it here but I wanted to keep this issue clean.

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Here is a quick update I and @anuraghazra again reiterated to GitHub that this issue must be solved. We received the following response:

Hi Rick,

Thanks for writing back to us!

I agree with you that the error is from GitHub side and as I earlier mentioned, the reason for the error is because the API request timeouts.

While GraphQL allows you to request as much data as you want, there is a limit on the processing time of that request on our end. If it takes more than 10 seconds to process the request and collect all the data you requested -- the request will be terminated and you'll get back an error.

Our recommendation is that you split the query into multiple requests until you stop hitting timeouts --I noticed this is what the author did in the hotfix.

I am happy to pass your feedback again to the engineering team but given the team's current backlog, I don't have an ETA for a response given the team's current backlog. I'll reach out to you again if I have any news or update.


GitHub Support

For now, we, therefore, have to keep using the hotfix till GitHub fixes the issue. The downside of this is that the HotFix requests more data since it requests the same field twice. The agent has been notified about this. I will let you know when the ticket status changes.

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One last update. It looks like the GH agent has just archived my ticket, which means that I'm no longer in the loop of whether they fixed this problem. I guess we have to keep using the workaround for now.

@rickstaa rickstaa added the upstream Problems caused by upstream issues. label Mar 9, 2022
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Hi everyone, I've added a hotfix for the issue for the moment, it should solve the issue for now. #1409

so what should i do to fix this ... i am getting the same error?

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rickstaa commented May 18, 2022

@Bharathkumarraju, I think the current issue you are experiencing is caused by #1471. As explained in #1471 (comment), the best way to solve this is to deploy your Vercel instance. You can find a guide on how this is done here.

@rickstaa rickstaa changed the title GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames [Upstream issue] GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames May 18, 2022
@rickstaa rickstaa changed the title [Upstream issue] GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames [Upstream Issue] GitHub Stats Card broken for some usernames May 18, 2022
@rickstaa rickstaa unpinned this issue May 18, 2022
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Well, I have to same problem. Don't work for my username but works fine for any other I tried
Captura de tela 2022-07-25 131458

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rickstaa commented Jul 25, 2022

Well, I have to same problem. Don't work for my username but works fine for any other I tried Captura de tela 2022-07-25 131458

Hey @hugogacia360, Thanks for your question. I checked your account, and your cards seem to work when I use the following syntax:

Anurag's GitHub stats

[![Anurag's GitHub stats](](

Anurag's GitHub stats

[![Top Langs](](

Maybe you made a small typo 🤔.

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Hi, I've also been experiencing this same issue. But for me, it is not just my GitHub Stats Card that is broken. I can't see anyone else's GitHub Stats Card, either.

Also, my Top Language Stats Card is not working. It seems like all the links from my profile to Vercel Api are broken.

I must add that this problem started after I opened a new issue on a repository,

I can't see anyone's stats cards or top languages or anything else that's fetching information from GitHub.

Any suggestion to help me fix this would be appreciated. I'm quite lost. Should I contact GitHub support?

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rickstaa commented Sep 24, 2022

@ayeshag7 Is your issue fixed? I made some mistakes in the last commit (see #2048). It should be fixed now.

@rickstaa rickstaa removed the bug Something isn't working. label Sep 24, 2022
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@ayeshag7 Is your issue fixed? I made some mistakes in the last commit (see #2048). It should be fixed now.

Yes, my problem is fixed now. Thanks.

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Rudxain commented Dec 10, 2022

(replying to main comment)
Related: shows this

Could not resolve to a User with the login of 'Mojang'.

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rickstaa commented Jan 3, 2023

(replying to main comment) Related: shows this

Could not resolve to a User with the login of 'Mojang'.

The error you are getting is that you are trying to request stats for an organization. Which is currently not supported. A feature request for this feature can be found on #654. You can show your support there.

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Rudxain commented Jan 4, 2023

you are trying to request stats for an organization. [ ... ] A feature request for this feature can be found on #654.

Thanks for the info! I'll go there

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