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Useful functions for making Processing projects.

button(shape, x,y, w,h, r, mode, c, d);

Makes a tactile button that returns true if clicked.

detectClicks(); // Sets mouseClick to `true` for one frame when mouse released

if(button(...)) {  // draws button and detects when clicked
  // do stuff when clicked
  • shape: Shape of the button.
    • "rect": Rectangular button.
    • "circle": Circular button. Uses w as the diameter, and ignores h, r.
  • x, y: Coordinates of rectangle center
  • w, h: Width and height
  • r: Corner radius
  • mode: Mouse hover tactility mode:
    • "fill": Highlights the button in a different color
    • "pop": Makes the button 'pop out'
    • "stroke": Highlights the stroke in a different color
    • "fp": Fill and pop effects.
    • "sp": Stroke and pop effects.
    • "none": No effect. (can also be set to any string that's not an option for the same result)
  • c: Highlight color (Only used when mode == "fill" or "fp")
  • d: Pop out distance (Only used when mode == "pop", "fp", or "sp")

scaleX, scaleY

Allows UI elements to scale with window size.

// Example: 300x400 rect in default window size will scale to the equivalent ratio in a different window size. //
rect(width/2,height/2, 300*scaleX, 400*scaleY);  
  • Multiply any value you want to scale with window width or height with scaleX or scaleY`
  • Useful for fullScreen() projects
  • Change 1000 and 700 in the code to whatever your default window resolution is: what you coded everything in originally

polygon(x,y, radius, sides);

Creates a regular polygon with any number of sides.

// Hexagon with a radius of 100px
polygon(0,0, 100, 6);
  • x, y: Coordinates of polygon center.
  • radius: Distance from center to each point.
  • sides: Number of sides the polygon will have.

new AnimatedGif(x,y, w,h, file,ext, totalFrames,startFrame)

Loads and runs animated GIFs.

AnimatedGif myGif;

void setup() {
  // Animated GIF at 0,0, size 400x300, file formatting "frame-n,png", 200 frames, start on frame 0
  myGif = new AnimatedGif(0,0, 400,300, "frame-",".png", 200,0)

void draw() {;  // Shows the GIF;  // Plays the GIF
  if(...) myGif.setFrame(10); // Sets frame to 10 
  • x,y: Coordinates of the GIF. (relative offset set by imageMode())
  • w,h: Width and height of the GIF.
  • file: First part of filename before frame number n, ex. "frame-1.png" -> file = "frame-1"
  • ext: Second part of filename after frame number n, ex. "frame-1.png" -> ext = ".png"
  • totalFrames: Number of the last frame.
  • startFrame: Frame number to start the animation at.


Useful Processing fuctions






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