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  • Website for anwesha 2019


  • PHP version - 5.6.12
  • Apache : Apache/2.4.16 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1p PHP/5.6.12 mod_perl/2.0.8-dev Perl/v5.16.3
  • MySQL : 5.6.26
  • Place the anwesha folder in your server's root direcory. If not then edit the RewriteBase in .htaccess accordingly.
  • Create database anwesha.
  • For creating database tables import migrations/anwesha.sql in mysql OR run migrations/setupdb.php
  • For populating database import migrations/data.sql in mysql OR run migrations/migrate.php
  • For generating random anwesha ID run migration/randomID.php
  • Use can change the caching time by updating $cache_time variable in the specific controller. Current cache time is 60 second.
  • For removing cached files - delete contents of /cache/ folder (/cache/*.hmtl)

Using Auth:

  • If accessing from web browser ignore this section(for web browser, session support is there).

For login

  • use URL /login/
  • send username and password by POST. index - username, password
  • Response will contain user information. Private key is given in index key.
  • Further communication will take place by using private key and username

For user-event-registration:

  • use URL /register/dddd/dd (awnwesha id, event id)
  • add a POST request along with this.
  • generate any word.
  • put it on index 'content'
  • Use equivalent of PHP function has_hmac('sha256', content, privatekey) (salted hash) and put it on index 'hash'
  • send the request


  • Social links update.
  • Add youtube link.
  • Main content font and text.
  • Dashboard->leaderboard.
  • center line
  • anchor #.
  • form field error.
  • Blue background
  • Step 1 remove after signup.
  • Change email
  • Copyrights
  • Post signup notify and message box.
  • Testing Events Details [With Image rendering].
  • Add caching to Events.
  • Write fb/twitter/google/github register backend and frontend.
  • Add re-captcha on registration page.
  • Login for users.
  • Write registration for particular Event.
  • Write group registration.
  • Suggest list of colleges, cities, states. FRONTEND!
  • Use PHPMailer
  • Create a nice looking HTML page for email
  • Scheduling (Fontend + backend).
  • OTP!
  • Write backend for registration of Femina Miss India.
  • Login for Core/organizing committee
  • Expanded Features for above (delete/add registration, add/delete/edit teams)
  • Fee payment portal.


  • user/CAcheck/{fbID}/ Check if fbID is already registered JSON: [1,{"name":"Tameesh Biswas","pId":"4159","fbID":"1591893497571424","college":"sgs","sex":"M","mobile":"9999999999","email":"","dob":"1998-04-10","city":"Mumbai","refcode":"","feePaid":"0","confirm":"1","time":"2017-10-03 21:04:32","iitp":"0"}]

  • localhost:8000/qrReg/{cryptographic hash from QR} test: 9224b6579e4258e2a76c0f781191e05ab0883bd97dba POST: (optional, in case of no post data, only user info will be displayed. Otherwise, user will be registered if organiser is authorised) JSON: For no POST data: {"status":1,"http":200,"message":{"name":"ALEgjigoiho","pId":"9224","fbID":"-1508967356","college":"IITP","sex":"M","mobile":"9920126812","email":"","dob":"2017-10-11","city":"Mumbai","refcode":"","feePaid":"0","confirm":"0","time":"2017-10-26 03:06:05","iitp":"0","qrurl":"http://localhost:8000/qr/anw9224.png"}}
    With POST
    [1,200,"User successfully registered for event."]
    [-1,409,"User already registered for the event"]

  • additional login info inside "special" field of login JSON object can also access from /user/special/{userID} 4 digit {"count":1,"eventOrganiser":{"eveCount":1,"0":{"id":"1","name":"Code"}},"isRegTeam":0}

  • registration JSON response { 0: "1", //status 1: {
    city: "Mumbai", college: "IITp", confirm: "0", dob: "1998-05-10", email: "",
    fbID: "-1509445681", //negative because FB not used during reg
    feePaid: "0", iitp: "0", isRegTeam: "0", //is part of reg commitee mobile: "9940150030", name: "Name Name2", pId: "9427",//anw ID qrurl: "", refcode: "", sex: "M", time: "2017-10-31 10:28:01",