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Code structure

haijuncai edited this page Mar 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

Code structure

├── Makefile
├── build
├── cmd
├── crypto
├── docker
├── ethdb
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
├── node
├── p2p
├── rpc
├── smpc
├── tss-lib
└── test

Code details

build/bin/: cmd programs such as gsmpc, gsmpc-client

build: It is related to the compilation and is forked from the go-ethereum source code.

cmd: store the source code of the program module

crypto: Encryption related modules, forked from the go-ethereum.

docker: docker files.

ethdb: forked from the go-ethereum.

internal: forked from the go-ethereum, modified, list.go/logger.go/map.go/path.go/sep.go is added in the common directory

node: forked from the go-ethereum.

p2p: forked from the go-ethereum.

rpc: forked from the go-ethereum, new code in the smpc directory, provide rpc service of the gsmpc program.

smpc: core code of keygen/sign/reshare functions, etc.

tss-lib: core libs of gg18/gg20 algorithm.

test: test script.

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