- Implement commented TODO lines at Sample1A_StreamBasicExercise.java using streams.
- Implement commented TODO lines at Sample1B_TraversingExercise.java using streams.
- Implement commented TODO lines at GeneratorExercise.java using streams.
- Given FileManagerExercise.java class, implement using streams, read the lines at data.txt file and count how many are different ignoring the first line. Also, count how many lines are different ignoring those lines starting with ‘==‘.
- Given FileManagerExercise.java class, implement using streams and filter, read the lines at data.txt file and print them out ordered in ascending and descending order.
- Given FileManagerExercise.java class, implement using streams, read the lines at data.txt file and count how many words are in each line. Also show the line and the count of words in the line using peek functionality.
- Given the list at TransactionManagerExercise.java class, print the name of the traders. Also print the unique names sorted adding values to a TreeSet.
- Given the list at TransactionManagerExercise.java class, print the unique (grouping) name of the traders and the sum of total amounts. Also print the unique names within the years when they have transactions in a new line.
- Read the lines at data.txt file and verify all lines contains the text ‘lazy’.
- Read the lines at data.txt file and print the first line which contains the text ‘cat’.
- Given the list at TransactionManagerExercise.java class, print the transaction with the highest amount.
- Given the list at TransactionManagerExercise.java class, print the transaction with the sum of all amounts within the last year of transaction.
- Avoid possible NullPointerExceptions errors adding a method getNullSafeValue using Optional API in the OptionalExercise.java.
- Follow the comments to complete the QueriesLikeExercises.java file practicing streams.