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feat(qc): include EchoRangeSetQC tests
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EchoRangeSetQC is equivalent to the fish detection algorithm.
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ocehugo committed Aug 25, 2020
1 parent fec8f14 commit 245d526
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Showing 2 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions.
167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions AutomaticQC/imosEchoRangeSetQC.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
function [sample_data, varChecked, paramsLog, df] = imosEchoRangeSetQC( sample_data, auto )
%IMOSECHORANGEQC Quality control procedure for Teledyne Workhorse (and similar)
% ADCP instrument data, using the echo intensity diagnostic variable.
% Echo Range test :
% This test checks the difference between the highest and lowest values in the 4 beams
% in each bin (echo intensity range, EIR) at each time stamp.
% The echo intensity data should ideally be bin-mapped first using
% adcpBinMappingPP.m routine.
% If the difference exceeds a threshold, the entire bin is flagged as bad
% Inputs:
% sample_data - struct containing the entire data set and dimension data.
% auto - logical, run QC in batch mode
% Outputs:
% sample_data - same as input, with QC flags added for variable/dimension
% data.
% varChecked - cell array of variables' name which have been checked
% paramsLog - string containing details about params' procedure to include in QC log
% Author: Guillaume Galibert <>
% Rebecca Cowley <>

% Copyright (C) 2017, Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) and Integrated
% Marine Observing System (IMOS).
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.

% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program.
% If not, see <>.
narginchk(1, 2);
if ~isstruct(sample_data), error('sample_data must be a struct'); end

% auto logical in input to enable running under batch processing
if nargin<2, auto=false; end

varChecked = {};
paramsLog = [];

% get all necessary dimensions and variables id in sample_data struct
idUcur = 0;
idVcur = 0;
idWcur = 0;
idCspd = 0;
idCdir = 0;
idABSIC = cell(4, 1);
for j=1:4
idABSIC{j} = 0;
lenVar = length(sample_data.variables);
for i=1:lenVar
paramName = sample_data.variables{i}.name;

if strncmpi(paramName, 'UCUR', 4), idUcur = i; end
if strncmpi(paramName, 'VCUR', 4), idVcur = i; end
if strcmpi(paramName, 'WCUR'), idWcur = i; end
if strcmpi(paramName, 'CSPD'), idCspd = i; end
if strncmpi(paramName, 'CDIR', 4), idCdir = i; end
for j=1:4
cc = int2str(j);
if strcmpi(paramName, ['ABSIC' cc]), idABSIC{j} = i; end

% check if the data is compatible with the QC algorithm
idMandatory = (idUcur | idVcur | idWcur | idCspd | idCdir);
for j=1:4
idMandatory = idMandatory & idABSIC{j};
if ~idMandatory, return; end

% let's get the associated vertical dimension
idVertDim = sample_data.variables{idABSIC{1}}.dimensions(2);
if strcmpi(sample_data.dimensions{idVertDim}.name, 'DIST_ALONG_BEAMS')
disp(['Warning : imosEchoRangeSetQC applied with a non tilt-corrected ABSICn (no bin mapping) on dataset ' sample_data.toolbox_input_file]);

qcSet = str2double(readProperty('toolbox.qc_set'));
badFlag = imosQCFlag('bad', qcSet, 'flag');
goodFlag = imosQCFlag('good', qcSet, 'flag');
rawFlag = imosQCFlag('raw', qcSet, 'flag');

%Pull out echo intensity
sizeData = size(sample_data.variables{idABSIC{1}}.data);
ea = nan(4, sizeData(1), sizeData(2));
for j=1:4
ea(j, :, :) = sample_data.variables{idABSIC{j}}.data;

% read in filter parameters
propFile = fullfile('AutomaticQC', 'imosEchoRangeSetQC.txt');
ea_fishthresh = str2double(readProperty('ea_fishthresh', propFile));

% read dataset QC parameters if exist and override previous
% parameters file
currentQCtest = mfilename;
ea_fishthresh = readDatasetParameter(sample_data.toolbox_input_file, currentQCtest, 'ea_fishthresh', ea_fishthresh);

paramsLog = ['ea_fishthresh=' num2str(ea_fishthresh)];

% Run QC
% Following code is adapted from the UWA 'adcpfishdetection.m' code

[n, t, m]=size(ea); % m depth cells, n (4) beams, t timesteps
% same flags are given to any variable
bad_ea = ones(n,t,m,'int8')*rawFlag;

% matrix operation of the UW original code which loops over each timestep
[B, Ix]=sort(ea,1); %sort echo from highest to lowest along each bin
%step one - really only useful for data in beam coordinates. If one
%beam fails, then can do 3-beam solutions
if unique(sample_data.meta.fixedLeader.coordinateTransform) ~=7 %7 is the value for ENU setup. Not sure what it is for beam coords. Can be refined here.
df = B(4,:,:)-B(1,:,:); %get the difference from highest value to lowest
ind=df>ea_fishthresh; % problematic depth cells
bad_ea(ind) = true; %flag these as bad (individual cells)
%step 2: useful for data in both beam and ENU coordinates. Flags entire
%bin of velocity data
df = B(4,:,:)-B(2,:,:); %get the difference from highest value to second lowest
ind=df>ea_fishthresh; % problematic depth cells
bad_ea(:,ind) = true; %flag the entire bin (all beams) as bad

%have flags for entire bins for each beam. Can use values for beam 1 to get single flag
%per timestamp/depth bin:
flags = squeeze(bad_ea(1,:,:));

% Run QC filter (iFail) on velocity data

flags(flags == 1) = badFlag;
flags(flags == 0) = goodFlag;

sample_data.variables{idUcur}.flags = flags;
sample_data.variables{idVcur}.flags = flags;
sample_data.variables{idWcur}.flags = flags;

varChecked = {sample_data.variables{idUcur}.name, ...
sample_data.variables{idVcur}.name, ...

if idCdir
sample_data.variables{idCdir}.flags = flags;
varChecked = [varChecked, {sample_data.variables{idCdir}.name}];

if idCspd
sample_data.variables{idCspd}.flags = flags;
varChecked = [varChecked, {sample_data.variables{idCspd}.name}];

% write/update dataset QC parameters
writeDatasetParameter(sample_data.toolbox_input_file, currentQCtest, 'ea_fishthresh', ea_fishthresh);

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions AutomaticQC/imosEchoRangeSetQC.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
ea_fishthresh = 40

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