The National Reef Monitoring Network (NRMN) Data Portal is a web application for collation, validation, and storage of all data obtained during shallow reef surveys conducted by the NRMN. NRMN is a sub-facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System IMOS.
The application consists of the following components:
- A Spring Boot based backend with a REST API
- A React user interface
- A Postgres database
The NRMN Data Portal is deployed at NRMN - Data Portal.
This repository contains the source code for the NRMN application backend, the user interface and DDL code for initialisation of the database.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
This repository contains a multi-module maven project used to build both the front-end react application, the backend end spring boot application and the war. The maven project is structured as follows:
Project | Description |
. | multi-module maven project containing all sub-modules used to build the project and containing common settings |
api | maven sub-module used to build the spring boot backend |
web | maven sub-module project used to build the react front-end |
app | maven project to assemble the api and web artifacts in a single application WAR |
db | SQL scripts containing the data and application DDL and scripts to insert data for testing |
Build requires Java 11 with Maven and Node v16 with Yarn v1.x. A Dockerfile is also provided with the necessary prerequisites.
docker build --tag nrmn-builder --build-arg BUILDER_UID=$(id -u) .
docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/builder/src nrmn-builder yarn --cwd src/web
docker run -it -v $PWD:/home/builder/src nrmn-builder mvn -f src clean package
mvn clean install
The project root contains two Dockerfiles
and Dockerfile.db
for local development, testing and provisioning to a container registry. These same instructions will work for Podman by replacing docker
with podman
Build the application WAR file:
mvn clean package
Build the application and database images:
docker build -t nrmn-app-dev -f .
docker build -t nrmn-postgis -f Dockerfile.db .
Create a network to connect the two containers then run up the the database and application. Note that POSTGRES_PASSWORD
is used to access the database user postgres
and is not used by the application.
docker network create dev-net
docker run --name nrmn-postgis-1 --network dev-net -p 5432:5432 -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=5A5qADoVk3 nrmn-postgis
docker run --name nrmn-app-dev-1 --network dev-net -p 8080:8080 -d -e POSTGRES_HOST=nrmn-postgis-1 nrmn-app-dev
The web application will now be available at http://localhost:8080
The application database will be initialised on first load with a basic application schema suitable for development. If this is not sufficient a full database backup may be restored in the usual way through pgAdmin or with pg_restore.
This application required PostreSQL 11 + the PostGIS extension. Database connection details specified in
Create an empty development database:
sudo su - postgres
createdb nrmn_dev
psql -c "CREATE ROLE nrmn_dev PASSWORD 'nrmn_dev' LOGIN;"
psql -d nrmn_dev -c "CREATE SCHEMA nrmn AUTHORIZATION nrmn_dev;"
psql -d nrmn_dev -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
Apply the DDL against this database using the following scripts in order:
Then add the application tables:
Also add any sample data if required:
Finally run all of the scripts in db/schema-update/
in order.
Instructions are based on VSCode v1.66 running on Linux. and assume that Chrome / Chromium is installed.
- Install the extension Lombok Annotations Support and Extension Pack for Java.
- Open the nrmn-application repository as a folder
- Go to Debug & Run and choose App from the list of configurations and start debugging
- The first time the application is run may take some time as Yarn and Maven will download build dependencies.
- Verify the debugger is working correctly by adding breakpoints in appropriate places in
. - On Log In both the JS and Java breakpoints should be hit synchronously.
Scripts to modify the database schema are stored in scripts/db-update once applied. Do not modify application.sql. Script names should have the form 00-Script_Description.sql
where 00 is incremented for each script and consist of a single update.