A food order app based on the MERN stack developed during the following Udemy course: React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
In order to run the app in development mode you have to run the command:
$ npm install
in the frontend and server directory.
Then you have to run the following command in the server directory:
$ npm run dev
and the following command in the frontend directory:
$ npm start
The project requires you to have MongoDB Community Edition installed in order for the API and the server to work.
You have to create 2 .env files one in the server directory and one in the frontend directory. In the server's .env you have to define the variable DATABASE_URL which contains your mongodb url. In the frontend's .env you have to define the variable REACT_APP_BASE_API_URL which contains the base url of the API for example http://localhost:3000