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ArrowDB Connector

This is a Arrow connector to ArrowDB.


$ appc install connector/appc.arrowdb


Reference the connector in your model.

var User = Arrow.Model.extend('user', {
	fields: {
		first_name: { type: String },
		last_name: { type: String },
		email: { type: String },
		role: { type: String },
		username: { type: String }
	connector: 'appc.arrowdb'

If you want to map a specific model to a specific ArrowDB object, use metadata. For example, to map the user model to the ArrowDB object Users, set it such as:

var User = Arrow.Model.extend('user', {
	fields: {
		name: { type: String, required: false, validator: /[a-zA-Z]{3,}/ }
	connector: 'appc.arrowdb',
	metadata: {
		'appc.arrowdb': {
			object: 'Users'

Authenticating Through ArrowDB

You can pass authentication through this connector on to ArrowDB by changing the configuration. To get started, set requireSessionLogin to true for the ArrowDB connector:

module.exports = {
	connectors: {
		'appc.arrowdb': {
			requireSessionLogin: true

This property allows you to configure whether or not anonymous requests can use your default account (specified in your configuration files) for connecting to the server. Set this to "true" to require requests to specify their own credentials or their own cookie string (via the headers user, and pass, or accesstoken).

With it set to true, call any of the REST APIs on a ArrowDB model, such as User.findAll, and provide credentials via headers:

curl --header "user: aUsername" --header "pass: aPassword" http://localhost:8080/api/appc.arrowdb/user

The request will execute, and you will either get back an error if the login failed, or you will get the results of the findAll query. You will also get back the header "sessioncookiestring". For future requests, pass this header back instead of the user and pass headers. This allows us to re-use the session.

curl --header "sessioncookiestring: theSessionCookieString" http://localhost:8080/api/appc.arrowdb/user

Batch operations

Since version 1.2.0 the ArrowDB connector supports batch create/delete for certain models. Please refer to ArrowDB API Documentation to see which model supports batch operations. You also need to be logged in as an admin user in order to use batch operations on a model that supports them. Batch operations are a huge performance increase when creating or deleting multiple models so make sure to utilize them when they are available.

Due to a slightly changed behavior you need to explicitly enable the usage of batch operations in your existing project. To enabled them add batchOperationsEnabled: true to your ArrowDB connector configuration file. For new Arrow projects, or when you install the connector for the first time, batch operations will be enabled automatically.

Changed behavior with batch operations

  • Model.create has a default limit of 100 models that can be created in a single batch operation. Trying to create more than that limit will result in an error and no models will be created at all. The value of result in the callback function also differs in that it will report how many items the batch operation received and how many were successfully inserted instead of returning the created model instance.
  • Model.deleteAll has a default limit of 100.000 models that can be deleted in a single batch operation. Models will be deleted asynchronously in a different process by ArrowDB. This means that even though the callback will be called the deletion might still be in progress. Use a polling approach with Model.count to see when all objects actually are deleted.


This section is for individuals developing the ArrowDB Connector and not intended for end-users.

npm install
node app.js

Running Unit Tests

npm test


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