Common gulp tasks and utilities.
Visit for more information.
Report issues to GitHub issues.
@axway/gulp-tasks requires you to globally install gulp 4.x:
[sudo] npm i -g gulp
npm i @axway/gulp-tasks --save-dev
Create a file in the root of your project called gulpfile.js
'use strict';
gulp: require('gulp'),
pkgJson: require('./package.json'),
template: 'standard',
babel: 'node12'
You can specify the Node.js version you wish to transpile down to. Possibly values are node12
Completely deletes all generated folders or a specific type:
$ gulp clean
$ gulp clean-coverage
$ gulp clean-dist
$ gulp clean-docs
Run eslint against your source code and tests.
$ gulp lint
$ gulp lint-src
$ gulp lint-test
Invoke Babel and transpile your code into the dist
$ gulp build
Build and run unit tests using Mocha.
$ gulp test
Build and run unit tests with coverage reports using Mocha and nyc.
$ gulp coverage
Watch source files for changes to trigger a re-build.
$ gulp watch
Watch source and test files for changes to trigger a re-build and run tests.
$ gulp watch-test
This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by
Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE
file included
in this distribution for more information.