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APPUiO Cloud Reporting

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Use APPUiO Global instance

# Follow the login instructions to get a token
oc login --server=

# Forward database and thanos to local host
kubectl -n appuio-reporting port-forward svc/reporting-db 5432 &
kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n appuio-thanos port-forward svc/thanos-query 9090 &

# Check for pending migrations
DB_USER=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 --decode)
DB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
export ACR_DB_URL="postgres://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost/reporting?sslmode=disable"
go run . migrate --show-pending

# Run a query
go run . report --query-name ping --begin "2022-01-17T09:00:00Z"

# Connect to the database's interactive terminal
DB_USER=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 --decode)
export PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
psql -U "${DB_USER}" -w -h localhost reporting

Local Installation

SUPERUSER_PW=$(pwgen 40 1)

kubectl create ns appuio-reporting
kubectl -n appuio-reporting create secret generic reporting-db-superuser --from-literal=user=reporting-db-superuser "--from-literal=password=${SUPERUSER_PW}"
kubectl -n appuio-reporting apply -k manifests/base


There is a Grafana deployment prepared under manifests/grafana. To be able to use the deployment, customize the parameters in grafana-helm-values.yaml and run make to generate the manifest.

Add the required Grafana Helm chart using helm repo add grafana

The deployment requires a secret grafana-creds containing the admin username and password:

oc -n appuio-reporting create secret generic grafana-creds --from-literal=admin-password=$(pwgen 40 1) --from-literal=admin-user=admin


Run Report

kubectl -n appuio-reporting port-forward svc/reporting-db 5432 &
kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n appuio-thanos port-forward svc/thanos-query 9090 &

DB_USER=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 --decode)
DB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
export ACR_DB_URL="postgres://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost/reporting?sslmode=disable"

go run . report --query-name ping --begin "2022-01-17T09:00:00Z"

Migrate to Most Recent Schema

kubectl -n appuio-reporting port-forward svc/reporting-db 5432 &

DB_USER=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 --decode)
DB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
export ACR_DB_URL="postgres://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost/reporting?sslmode=disable"

go run . migrate --show-pending

go run . migrate

Connect to the Database

kubectl -n appuio-reporting port-forward svc/reporting-db 5432 &

DB_USER=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 --decode)
export PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl -n appuio-reporting get secret/reporting-db-superuser -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)

psql -U "${DB_USER}" -w -h localhost reporting

Local Development

Local development assumes a locally installed PostgreSQL database. This can be achieved by running make docker-compose-up. See docker-compose.yml for the configuration.

# Needs to be repeated after a Docker restart
make docker-compose-up

# Next command asks for a password, it is "reporting"
createdb --username=reporting -h localhost -p 5432 appuio-cloud-reporting-test

export ACR_DB_URL="postgres://reporting:reporting@localhost/appuio-cloud-reporting-test?sslmode=disable"

# Required for tests
make ensure-prometheus

go run . migrate
go run . migrate --seed
go test ./...

# To connect to the DB:
psql -U reporting -W -h localhost appuio-cloud-reporting-test

IDE Integration

To enable IDE Test/Debug support, ACR_DB_URL should be added to the test environment.

VS Code

mkdir -p .vscode
touch .vscode/settings.json
jq -s '(.[0] // {}) | ."go.testEnvVars"."ACR_DB_URL" = $ENV."ACR_DB_URL"' .vscode/settings.json > .vscode/settings.json.i
mv .vscode/settings.json.i .vscode/settings.json