AWLThemeManager is a lightweight theme manager for iOS.
- Image;
- Font;
- Color;
- Property-list supported objects
- Any file in bundle.
In actual work, there may be a little difference among themes. In a traditional way, you need to keep the same content in every theme. This is a bad way if you want to change the value, you need find all the places and change it. From now on, you can feel release if you want to do that because of the inheritance of AWLThemeManager. You just need to modify the root theme then all the themes that inheritant from the root theme will be changed to the new value.
Use cocoapods
pod 'AWLThemeManager'
Traditional way Just add the header and source file to your project
- AWLThemeManager.h
- AWLThemeManager.m
Bundle is preferred as theme package, though folder can also be used.
The structure of bundle file is like the follow screenshot:
defaults.plist is necessary. Add other files to the root directory of bundle.
defaults.plist is used to set the property of themes, include color, font etc.
Default key used in defualts.plist:
This key is necessary. it is the name of the theme, used to identify the theme, must be only.
Alternative. If you want to use theme as your base theme, you should add this key. Set the name of base theme to this key.
The format of color is :
It will return the color use follow method:
[UIColor colorWithRed:[array[0] doubleValue]/255
green:[array[1] doubleValue]/255
blue:[array[2] doubleValue]/255
alpha:[array[3] doubleValue]];
Make sure you set the right value to the color.
Support white colorspace format. Colors can now be specified in white colorspace (e.g. 0.4,1).
Support color with pattern image. Colors can now be specified as a pattern image with the format "@[ImageName],[Optional Alpha]" (e.g. @Foo", "@Foo,0.5").
Support hex format. Specify colors in hex format as
Support reference. If you want to set the same value to different color key, you can set the key of one color to another color, then AWLThemeManager will find the actual value of the color.
Modify alpha by reference. If you reference a color, e.g. “COLOR1” = “255,0,0,1”, “COLOR2” = “COLOR1” you can now append “:[alpha]” to the reference to modify it’s alpha, e.g. “COLOR2” = “COLOR1:0.2” will equate to “255,0,0,0.2”.
The format of font is :
The first one is name of font, second is size of the font. It will return the font use follow method:
[UIFont fontWithName:fontName size:fontSize]
If you want to use system font, you should ignore the first value, like this:
,14 //systemFontOfSize
bold,14 //boldSystemFontOfSize
italic,14 //italicSystemFontOfSize
Support reference. Same with the color.
There are two way for adding img to theme bundle:
- Put the image file in the bundle;
- Add a xcassets file, then put image files in the xcassets.
For method 2, the bundle needs to be an actual OS X bundle target in the project with it's SDK set to iOS & a valid info.plist in order for Xcode to compile the .xcassets file inside it. Please refer to Assets.bundle in demo project.
Support reference. Same with the color. If image name isn't found in defaults.plist, we use key as image name.
Now you can have “foo”->”bar” in the theme and search all bundles for “foo” of type “dat”, in addition to falling back to the main bundle. If key “foo” is not found, “foo” is assumed to be the file name.
You can add whatever you want to the defaults.plist. Just use objectForKey:
to get the value.
Add the absolute path of bundle to AWLThemeManager object, then set the current theme that you want. For example:
NSString *bundlePath1 = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"BaseSample" ofType:@"bundle"];
NSString *bundlePath2 = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Sample" ofType:@"bundle"];
AWLThemeManager *mgr = [[AWLThemeManager alloc] init];
[mgr addTheme:bundlePath1];
mgr.currentTheme = [mgr addTheme:bundlePath2];
Then you can access the resource use the same AWLThemeManager object as follow.
UIImage *img = [mgr imageNamed:@"icon"];
titleLabel.textColor = [mgr colorForKey:@"Content_Text_Color"];
titleLabel.font = [mgr fontForKey:@"Content_Font"];