Description: Retrieves PM 2.5 sensor data for the specified device for a given number of days in the past referenced from the current day. If days=3, the query will return all the data in the last 3 days. This endpoint provides the flexibility to request data for one sensor, multiple sensors, or all sensors. Data is returned in JSON format.
Query parameters:
device_id: required. The device id (usually the MAC address with colons omitted) of the desired sensor data. For multiple devices, separate each device id by a comma. For data on all devices, set device_id=all.
Format: 12 digit hexadecimal number (12AB34CD56ef) - alpha characters can be upper or lowercase.
days: required. The number of days of data to return from the current data.
Format: Integer
Example 1: /request_sensor_data?device_id=3C71BF153718&days=1
Example 2: /request_sensor_data?device_id=3C71BF153718,F45EAB9C48E6&days=2
Example 3: /request_sensor_data?device_id=all&days=3
Description: Retrieves all sensor data within a given radius of a specified center point and within a given date range. If the date range and / or the radius is large expect this query to take some time. Data is returned in JSON format.
Query parameters:
lat: required. Latitude of the center point.
Format: Floating point number.
lon: required. Longitude of the center point. Format: Floating point number.
radius: required. Specifies the radius from the center point of the query.
Format: Integer or floating point number.
start_date: required. The start date range of the query.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS (Example: 2020-01-15/07:30:00)
end_date: required. The end date for the query
Format: YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS (Example: 2020-01-15/15:30:00)
Example: /request_model_data?lat=40.6789&lon=-111.8141&radius=1&start_date=2020-01-23/00:00:00&end_date=2020-01-23/10:00:00