Note: arasu development only work on dart enabled browsers like dartium or dart enabled chrome browser.
Arasu is a Next Generation Full Stack Web framework written on Go language & Dart language.
- lightning fast, because of golang and dartlang
- use RDBMS and BIGDATA for serverside store
- use IndexedDB and Angular Dart for clientside store,clientside framework
- use TDD default by golang and dartlang
- use BDD with selenium and Spinach (this is in alpha)
- automatic build system.
- Install Golang then add golang binary into system PATH and verify the sucessfull installation by
~$ go version go version go1.3 linux/amd64
- Install Dartlang(Dart SDK) then add dart-sdk binary into system PATH and verify the sucessfull installation by
~$ dart --version Dart VM version: 1.5.8 (Tue Jul 29 07:05:41 2014) on "linux_x64"
- Install Mysql then add mysql binary into system PATH and verify the sucessfull installation by
~$ mysql --version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.37, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.2
- Install Hbase then add hbase binary into system PATH and verify the installation is sucessfull by
~$ hbase version //some valid output
- Install Arasu Framework by
~$ go get
Creating scaffold for relational Database Management System aka RDBMS (mysql)
~$ arasu new demo ~$ cd demo ~$ arasu dstore create ~$ arasu generate scaffold Admin name password:string age:integer dob:timestamp sex:bool ~$ arasu dstore migrate
Now start the server:
~$ arasu serve // you will get output like "You don't have a lockfile, so we need to generate that:" by DArt Pub Manager ,this will take few more seconds (this will occur at first time only). // // then //you may get dart-sdk "pub downlad error" for few times , but you can ignore and stop the command by CTRL + C . //and start the same command again until sucessfull start. ~$ arasu serve
after successfull start....
now visit http://localhost:4000/ on Dartium or dart enabled chrome browser.
To open dartium ~$ ./DART-SDK-INSTALLED-DIRECTORY/chromiun/chrome
then visit
There you can play !!!
Creating scaffold for BigData (hbase)
stop the arasu server by pressing CTRL + C
open another terminal and start bigdata...
~$ ~$ hbase thrift start
leave this terminal to run thrift deamon. come back to old terminal then
~$ arasu dstore create --dstore bigdata
this will result in failure
unfortunately Hbase thrift V1 Binary server is not supporting to create database through API Calls so we have to create it manually . to do that
~$ hbase shell > create_namespace 'demo_development' > quit
close hbase shell , then
~$ arasu generate scaffold User Profile:{FirstName:String,LastName:String,Age:int,Dob:DateTime} Contact:{Phone:String,Email:String} --dstore bigdata ~$ arasu dstore migrate --dstore bigdata
Now start the server:
~$ arasu serve
now visit
on dartium browser, there you can play !!!!!
lets dive into Full Tutorial Arasu Framework To learn more...
Contribution are welcome Here.
Released under the MIT License.