This is a BOLOS application which can be to interact with Archethic TestNet using Ledger Nano S Device.
Be sure to have your environment correctly set up (see Getting Started) and ledgerblue and installed.
If you want to benefit from vscode integration, it's recommended to move the toolchain in /opt
and set BOLOS_ENV
environment variable as follows
and do the same with BOLOS_SDK
environment variable
make DEBUG=1 # compile optionally with PRINTF
make load # load the app on the Nano using ledgerblue
The flow processed in GitHub Actions is the following:
- Compilation of the application for Ledger Nano S in ledger-app-builder
- End-to-end tests with Speculos emulator (see tests/)
It outputs 2 artifacts:
within output files of the compilation process in debug modespeculos-log
within APDU command/response when executing end-to-end tests
After loading the app.elf on the ledger device, You can test it with predefined on-chain wallet in ALCA.
Soon, the GUI Wallet will be supported.
You can follow the docker route as recommended by Ledger or execute the following for a native dev environment.
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install python3-venv
sudo apt install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
wget -q -O - | sudo bash
cd /opt
sudo mkdir dev-env
sudo mkdir dev-env/backup
sudo mkdir dev-env/SDK
sudo mkdir dev-env/CC
sudo mkdir dev-env/CC/others
sudo mkdir dev-env/CC/others/clang-arm-fropi
cd dev-env/backup
sudo wget
sudo tar xf gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
sudo cp -r gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10 ../CC/others/.
sudo rm -r gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10
sudo wget
sudo tar xf clang+llvm-13.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04.tar.xz
sudo cp -r clang+llvm-13.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04 ../CC/others/clang-arm-fropi
sudo rm -r clang+llvm-13.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04
cd ../SDK
sudo git clone
sudo nano /etc/environment
//append the following lines to the file
// Press Ctrl+O and then Ctrl+X
cd /opt
python3 -m venv dev-env/ledger
source dev-env/ledger/bin/activate
sudo reboot
//After reboot open terminal and go to your home directory
mkdir ledger
cd ledger
git clone
cd speculos
sudo apt install \
cmake gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf libc6-dev-armhf-cross gdb-multiarch \
python3-pyqt5 python3-construct python3-flask-restful python3-jsonschema \
python3-mnemonic python3-pil python3-pyelftools python3-requests \
cmake -Bbuild -H.
make -C build/
cd ..
git clone
cd archethic-ledger
../speculos/ bin/app.elf