git clone
cd allora-cpu
chmod +x
- Run the worker - directory
- Setting wallet & phrase or manual config.json
- Setting docker-compose.yaml & docker-compose-reputer.yaml =>> Coingecko API=CG-xxxxx
cd allora-cpu/allora-node
chmod +x ./
./ "wallet_name" "mnemonic" "coingecko_api_key"
- example: chmod +x ./ ./ "bangsat-kau" "kalo pake model sendiri pasti dapat point xxx xxx" "CG-xxxxxx"
docker compose pull
docker compose up --build -d
- Check logs as to running
docker compose logs -f
---------------------------------------- Congrats Your Setup is Completed -------------------------------------
- Run command below!!
- Buidl with the file
- To edit for the best your 'own model' and run
- Save the model (ctrl X + Y) save ENTER
- Run command below!!
chmod +x ./
- Run docker command!!
- Copied of CONTAINER ID
- docker logs -f xxxxxxxxxx
- Enter and check the logs
sudo docker ps
docker logs -f
- Check your IMAGES run as 'allora-train-model:1.0.0'
- Check logs for training horizon symbol
- 10 Minutues & 20 Minutes & 1440 Minutes
- The containerID with train will be exited auto after complete