This is a simple application based on CLI (Command Line Interface), used for manage your password, commonly called Password Manager. So yeah enjoy for use my application, I hope you are happy with this application, thank you
Install Python
Because this application build with python, you must have Python in your local machine/computer. So if you don't have Python installed in your machine/computer, you can follow this step
First download python here and then install
If you already download and install check your python version, with this command below
python --version
Python 3.9.4
this is example output, maybe you have different version
and also check your pip version
pip --version
pip 21.1.2
this is example output, maybe you have different version
If everything works normally, you have successfully installed python
Clone or download this project
git clone
make sure you have installed git in your machine/computer
Open terminal and cd to where the project cloned or downloaded
cd [path projectnya]
if you already in the path where the project cloned or downloaded, you can skip this
Create Virtual Environment *Optional
python -m venv [environment name]
python -m venv env
this is will generate a new folder whose name corresponds to the environment name
Activate the virtual environment
[environment name]\Scripts\activate
source [environment name]/bin/activate
Install package from requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Last run the application
Enjoyy 🤙