An efficient Pytorch implementation of GPNN as depicted in "Drop the GAN: In Defense of Patches Nearest Neighbors as Single Image Generative Models"
This is the version of GPNN I used to compare with my model in the reaserach done for writing the paper "Generating Natural Images with Direct Patch Distribution Matching" . The code for my paper is here
While writing this implementation I consulted the implementation in My implementation offers more simplicity, a faster pytorch computation of the NN matrix and a low memory version of the computation done in O(N+M) as suggested in the suplementary of the paper:
I've also implemented approximated NN with Faiss (cpu/gpu) with various indices like IVF and IVFPQ.
Pytorch : Batched Fast pytorch nn computations
NN_module = PytorchNN(alpha, batch_size, use_gpu=True)
Pytorch_low_memory: Batched Efficient pytorch implementation that avoids holding a distance matrix on memory
NN_module = PytorchNNLowMemory(alpha, batch_size, use_gpu=True)
FaissFlat: uses faiss exact-NN computations (Cpu and GPU, no alpha)
NN_module = FaissFlat(use_gpu=True)
FaissIVF: uses faiss inverted index approximate-nn (Cpu and GPU, no alpha)
NN_module = FaissIVF(use_gpu=True)
FaissIVFPQ: uses faiss inverted index with product quantization approximate-nn (Cpu and GPU, no alpha)
NN_module = FaissIVFPQ(use_gpu=True)
$ python3 images/SIGD16/12.jpg
Input | Output |
`$ python3 images/SIGD16/8.jpg --init_from target --width_factor 1.5
Input | Output |
$ python3 images/style_transfer/mondrian.jpg --init_from images/style_transfer/trump.jpg --noise_sigma 0 --fine_dim 400 --coarse_dim 200
Input | init_from | Output |
title={Drop the gan: In defense of patches nearest neighbors as single image generative models},
author={Granot, Niv and Feinstein, Ben and Shocher, Assaf and Bagon, Shai and Irani, Michal},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},