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PyPath is the unoffical Python wrapper of the PathaDisha App .
This application is for commuters of Kolkata metropolitan area. By this application, commuters can view all incoming or outgoing buses for a particular stop or current location.
Commuter can also view all the buses operating on a particular route in real time on the map along with expected time of arrival (ETA).
[:heavy_check_mark:] getAllRoutes
[:heavy_check_mark:] getAllStoppages
[:heavy_check_mark:] getVehicleListByRecBoundary
[:grey_exclamation:] getVehicleListByCirBoundary
[:heavy_check_mark:] getVehicleETA
[:heavy_check_mark:] getVehicleByRoute
[:grey_exclamation:] getPointByRoute
[:heavy_check_mark:] getTripPlans
[:heavy_check_mark:] findNearestStop
[:heavy_check_mark:] getStoppagesInBoundary
[:heavy_check_mark:] getVehiclePosition
[:heavy_check_mark:] getRoutePathBetween2Stops
[:grey_exclamation:] getTokenForRideShare
[:heavy_check_mark:] getApproachingVehicles
[:heavy_check_mark:] getLastRoueUpdateTime
[:heavy_check_mark:] getKolkataTrafficUpdate
[:grey_exclamation:] getVehicleETAGoogleTraffic
>>> from pypath import api
>>> a=api()
>>> a.get_all_stoppages()
{u'duration': 0, u'status': u'SUCCESS', u'message': u'', u'data': [{u'stopName': u'AIRPORT (GATE NO.1)', u'stopLat': 22.642036, u'locationType': u'STOP', u'isJunction': u'N', u'stopLon': 88.431122, u'stopId': 1, u'isValid': u'Y'}, {u'stopName': u'AIRPORT (GATE NO.3)
'N', u'stopLon': 88.34848, u'stopId': 1377, u'isValid': u'Y'}, {u'stopName': u'SHWABHUMI', u'stopLat': 22.57091, u'locationType': u'STOP', u'isJunction': u'N', u'stopLon': 88.404058, u'stopId': 1378, u'isValid': u'Y'}], u'requestId': u'1d459b40-4acc-4ac4-be60-d9367d45c3f1'}
>>> a.get_approaching_vehicles("1")
{u'duration': 0, u'status': u'SUCCESS', u'message': u'', u'data': [{u'direction': u'W', u'crowd': u'null', u'speed': 0.0, u'timeToDestinationStop': 189, u'outOfPath': False, u'routeCode': u'AC39:DN', u'lastLocation': {u'latitude': 22.6448038333, u'longitude': 88.4388711667}, u'journeyStarted': True, u'lastTime': 1489764597669, u'vehicleNo': u'WB050841', u'dataSource': u'TRIMAX'}], u'requestId': u'4fe0d6c4-d00f-a571-2e6830c6ecb8'}
gist : https://gist.github.com/zed41/a9573209d782f8254b0a6694934274ef