file: pima-indians-diabetes.csv
majority class 500
minority class 268
file: data.csv
majority class 950
minority class 50
│ CoBra.pdf
| SMOTEBoost results.pdf
│ haberman.csv
│ pima-indians-diabetes.csv
| data.csv
│ Cobra.ipynb //implementation of COBRA
│ SmoteAdaBoostedCC.ipynb //implementation of AdaBoost, SMOTE and ROSBoost using SMOTE for oversampling
| CreateDataset.ipynb //creates imbalanced dataset. data.csv containd data created using this code with 95% points in majority class.
└───Scripts //implementation of AdaBoost, SMOTE and ROSBoost using SMOTE for oversampling //implemenatation of COBRA
SMOTEBoost results.pdf contains the results obtained. Results were obtained after applying ROSBoost using SMOTE on a cobra classifier made from 3 desision trees.
DISCLAIMER: This work is for learning purposes only. The work can not be used for publications or commercial products etc. without the mentor’s consent.