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David P. Chassin edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 19 revisions

Finding a docker image

The current docker images are available at A list of tagged docker images is maintained.

Building a docker image

To build a docker image of a particular branch, do the following:

bash$ git clone -b <branchname> gridlabd
bash$ cd gridlabd
bash$ autoreconf -isf && ./configure
bash$ make docker

Known Issues

There is a known performance problem with Docker using Centos 7 and other Linux containers. If your system sleeps with the Docker daemon running for more than a few minutes, the hardware clock may become unstable. When this occurs, the docker system will change how it performs time clock operations in the container, resulting in severely degraded system performance in GridLAB-D. There is no known solution to the problem. The current best workarounds are (1) do not let your system sleep, and (2) restart the docker daemon if it does sleep too long.