Syntax definition of the Opal programming language for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2.
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/
git clone Opal
Then in Sublime Text you can [Ctrl]+[Shift]+P
Set Syntax: Opal
whenever you want. Opal files (*.impl, *.sign) are being recognized.
You can make your life easier using Sublime Package Control and get updates automatically.
If you've got it installed:
Package Control: Add Repository
and use this site's address:
Then [Ctrl]+[Shift]+P
Package Control: Install Package
Please note that the manual setup and installation through Package Control are XORed. Doing both results in two distinct installations of OPAL syntax highlighting, which probably is not what you want.
If you're using a manually installed OPAL highlighting and want to try out adding it through Package Control, please delete ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Opal