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Laravel Scoring

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Integration of scoring systems for Laravel. The package provides integration scoring systems:

  • RiskTools


Install the package via composer:

composer require arttiger/laravel-scoring


In order to edit the default configuration you may execute:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Arttiger\Scoring\ScoringServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After that, config/scoring.php will be created.


Set environment variable (.env)



Get scoring data

You can get data from the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::scoring('risk_tools', $attributes);
  • 'risk_tools' - scoring system;
  • $attributes - data (array) from the credit model according to the mapping of variables in config/scoring.php. This map establishes the correspondence between the attributes of your model and the required query fields in scoring system.
'model_data' => [
    // For "scoring" method
    'id'              => 'public_id',     // ID of loan
    'user_id'         => 'client_id',     // ID of client
    'social_number'   => 'inn',           // INN of client
    'phone'           => 'phone',         // Phone of client
    'email'           => 'email',         // Email of client
    'passport_number' => 'passport',      // Passport (example АА123456 or number ID-card)
    'passport_date'   => 'passport_date', // Passport issue date (example "2001-12-01")
    'first_name'      => 'firstName',     // First name
    'last_name'       => 'lastName',      // Last name
    'other_name'      => 'middleName',    // Middle name
    'birth_date'      => 'birth_date',    // Birth date (example "2001-12-01")
    'gender_id'       => 'gender_id',     // Gender (1 - male, 2 - female)
    'loan_amount'     => 'sum',           // Amount of credit
    'loan_days'       => 'period',        // Number days of credit
    'applied_at'      => 'created_at',    // Date and time created loan (example "2018-04-05T19:29:51+03:00")
    'ip'              => 'ip',            // IP of client
    'user_agent'      => 'user_agent',    // User-Agent of browser of client
    'ubki'            => 'ubki',          // XML-data from UBKI

    // For updating of statuses
    'status_id'       => 'status_code',   // Status code of credit (1 - NEW, 2 - REJECT, 3 - APPROVED, 4 - ISSUED, 5 - CLOSED, 6 - OVERDUE)
    'closed_at'       => 'closed_at',     // Date and time close loan (example "2018-04-25T10:05:00+03:00")
    'amount_to_pay'   => 'amount_debt',   // Total debt
    'total_paid'      => 'total_paid',    // The sum of all payments
    'overdue_days'    => 'overdue_days',  // The total number of days of delay of loan

$result - response from scoring system (array).

$result = [
    "group" => 4,
    "score" => 0.495,
    "amount_limit_max" => 1200,
    "amount_limit" => 1000.0,
    "filters" => [],
    "score_model" => [
        "version" => "v1_7"

Send status of credit

Send status of credit to the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::status('risk_tools', $attributes);
  • 'risk_tools' - scoring system;
  • $attributes - data (array) from the credit model according to the mapping of variables

Get the UBKI reports

Get the UBKI reports from the scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::ubkiReport('risk_tools', ['public_id' => $public_id]);
  • $public_id - ID of credit
$result = [
    "reports": [
            "report_date" => "2018-12-25",
            "xml" => "<xml>"
            "report_date" => "2018-12-25",
            "xml" => "<xml>"

Get pre-scoring data

You can get data from the pre-scoring system as follows:

$result = Scoring::pre_scoring('risk_tools', ['social_number' => $social_number]);
  • $social_number - Social number (INN) of client


Add ScoringTrait-trait to the model with client data:

    use Arttiger\Scoring\Traits\ScoringTrait;

    class Loan extends Model
        use ScoringTrait;

Add a new method scoringAttributes() to the class to add the necessary attributes and fill them with data:

    use Arttiger\Scoring\Traits\ScoringTrait;

    class Loan extends Model
        use ScoringTrait;
        public function scoringAttributes()
            $client_data = json_decode($this->attributes['client_data']);
            $this->attributes['client_id']  = trim($client_data->id); 
            $this->attributes['inn']        = trim($client_data->code); 
            $this->attributes['lastName']   = trim($client_data->lastName); 

You can use other ways to create custom attributes that you specified in 'model_data' (config/scoring.php).

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.


Volodymyr Farylevych


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Integration of scoring systems for Laravel







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