Repository associated with the paper "GPU Accelerated Convex Approximations for Fast Multi-Agent TrajectoryOptimization". Arxiv pre-print can be found here (
The paper has been submitted to Robotics and Automation Letters with ICRA 2021 option.
Source-codes will start appearing here from 19th October.
Contacts: Arun Kumar Singh (, Fatemeh Rastgar (
Jax-Numpy (
The code has been tested with CUDA version 10.1 and 10.2 on RTX-2080 (8GB) i7-8750 deskptop computer with 32 GB RAM and Nvidia Jetson TX2. A good tutorial to install cuda 10.1 on ubuntu 18.04.5 (
Running on Google Colab: Google Colab automatically comes with CUPY and Jax support. So the codes can be run on colab after clonig the repo. A detailed instructions with examples can be found here (
How to run the code:
For each benchmark, first code in matrix_computation subfolder should be run. These generates the different matrices and inverses required for multi-agent trajectory optimization.
The main file to be run for each benchmark is where x can be 16, 32, 64 etc and y is either cupy or jax. Running this code will create the trajectory mat files for different agents.
The trajectory can be visualized by running