Python script that takes a resume in a pre-defined XML format (sample resume file included) and spits out LaTeX and HTML files using Cheetah templates.
Content of resume (within XML) can have a few very simple tags using curly brackets. All tags MUST be closed.
{list} - Represents a list of items
{item} - Represents an item within a list
{cr} - Carriage return
{link} - Content of tag is treated as URL. In HTML output, for example, the content would be turned into an tag.
{email} Content of tag is treated as a sensitive email. In HTML output it will be turned into a mailto link protected by spamspan code (
{publicemail} Content of tag is treated as a publically available email. In HTML output, this will be turned into a mailto link without spam protection.
I didn't really create this for public consumption, but I've attempted to make it usable nonetheless.