This is a script that uses Telegram bot for notify you when your laundry is done.
It is intended to be used with the Nortec laundry reservation system.
- Setup sending notifications to your email. Gmail can't be used because it doesn't support IMAP with only password auth
- Get your IMAP server address and port
- Get your email and password from your email provider
- Create a tg bot with BotFather and get the bot token.
- Add the bot to your group chat (or use your own id)
- Get chat id with What's my Telegram ID?
- your email addressEMAIL_PASSWORD
- your email passwordIMAP_SERVER
- imap server addressTG_BOT_TOKEN
- telegram bot token, get it from BotFatherTG_CHAT_ID
- telegram chat idTG_ERROR_CHAT_ID
- telegram chat id for error messages from bot (you can use your own id)
- Build the image:
docker build -t pesula-bot .
- Run:
docker run -it --restart unless-stopped --name pesula-bot -d \
-e EMAIL_USERNAME=<your email> \
-e EMAIL_PASSWORD=<your password> \
-e IMAP_SERVER=<your imap server> \
-e TG_BOT_TOKEN=<your bot token> \
-e TG_CHAT_ID=<your chat id> \
-e TG_ERROR_CHAT_ID=<your error chat id> \
- Add notification when laundry shift is starting