Backend API code for
- Go 1.19
- Postgresql 14.1
- sqlc (Optional, for generating db structs from data/schema.sql & data/query.sql)
- pgAdmin4 (Optional, to manage the database or use psql instead)
- gcloud cli (Optional, for deploying the api to Google Cloud Platform)
After installing go & postgresql
./ # Prepare dev database - set proper passwords & secrets for production
This is integration test, you will need to run the database first before running the test
cp .env-test-template.yaml .env-test.yaml
go test ./...
Why do I use template config? Because I put secrets in my .env-test.yaml
& I don't want to accidentally commit it. Please let me know how to do it better.
From the root directory of this repo
# You need to specify the env because the default value is "test"
# and I use the env to customize static file directories
ENVIRONMENT=dev go run cmd/main.go # Or just use vscode debug feature
- Install thunder client, a vscode extension similar to postman
- Import
from thunder client
- Create the secrets needed to run the apps
gcloud secrets create "db_password" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# This one needs to be exactly 69 characters length
gcloud secrets create "static_secret" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# 32 characters length for AES encryption
gcloud secrets create "encryption_key" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# Additional SSL cert for Supabase
# Download from
cat prod-ca-2021.crt | \
gcloud secrets create "supabase_ssl_certificate" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# To send emails
gcloud secrets create "mailjet_api_key" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# To send emails
gcloud secrets create "mailjet_secret_key" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
# To send emails
gcloud secrets create "sendgrid_api_key" --replication-policy "automatic" --data-file -
- Give the secret manager read access to your project service account.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [YOUR_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME] --member='serviceAccount:[YOUR_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME]' --role='roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor'
- Prepare the DB Connect to supabase: Then using psql or pgAdmin:
# Copy paste the query in data/seed.sql, edit the PASSWORD field #
# Switch to project_legacy database
\c project_legacy
# Copy paste the query in data/schema.sql #
- Deploy the Cloud Run service
# Copy env
cp .env-prod-template.yaml .env-prod.yaml
# Then edit the .env-prod.yaml, follow the comments provided in the file
gcloud run deploy legacy-api --source . \
--region=asia-southeast1 --allow-unauthenticated --timeout 15s \
--min-instances 0 --max-instances 100 --cpu 1 --memory 128Mi \
--set-secrets DB_PASSWORD=db_password:latest,STATIC_SECRET=static_secret:latest,ENCRYPTION_KEY=encryption_key:latest,MAILJET_API_KEY=mailjet_api_key:latest,MAILJET_SECRET_KEY=mailjet_secret_key:latest,SENDGRID_API_KEY=sendgrid_api_key:latest \
--env-vars-file .env-prod.yaml --update-labels service=legacy --tag=main
- Deploy the scheduler
# Create a pub/sub topic - this might take a while
gcloud pubsub topics create project-legacy-scheduler
# Create a google cloud scheduler
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub SendReminderMessages --location asia-southeast1 --schedule "22 19 * * *" \
--topic project-legacy-scheduler --attributes action=send-reminder-messages \
--description "Send reminder messages daily" --time-zone "Asia/Jakarta"
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub SendTestaments --location asia-southeast1 --schedule "38 19 * * *" \
--topic project-legacy-scheduler --attributes action=send-testaments \
--description "Send reminder messages daily" --time-zone "Asia/Jakarta"
# Copy env
cp .env-prod-cloud-function.yaml
# CloudFunctionForSchedulerWithStaticSecret: legacy-api-scheduler
gcloud functions deploy legacy-api-scheduler \
--entry-point CloudFunctionForSchedulerWithStaticSecret --trigger-topic project-legacy-scheduler \
--region asia-southeast1 --runtime go119 --memory 128Mi --timeout 15s --gen2 \
--update-labels service=legacy --max-instances 10 \
--set-secrets DB_PASSWORD=db_password:latest,STATIC_SECRET=static_secret:latest,ENCRYPTION_KEY=encryption_key:latest,MAILJET_API_KEY=mailjet_api_key:latest,MAILJET_SECRET_KEY=mailjet_secret_key:latest,SENDGRID_API_KEY=sendgrid_api_key:latest \
--env-vars-file .env-prod-cloud-function.yaml