This project is a lean boilerplate for using React in your project.
You could use React, React-DOM and JSX here.
Your code would run as-is (besides JSX transformation), so ES support depends on your browser.
As of autumn 2017 (e.g. Chrome 60+ / Firefox 55+), you could use all decent ECMAScript features, even spread operator for objects.
Once you have NPM installed, run the script:
To covert your JSX code to plain Javascript, you need to compile the script:
You could also use a watcher:
./ --watch
Start web server:
You may run on other port:
./ -p 8001
Open page in the browser http://localhost:8080/
You may delete all temporary files:
Application files:
- app.js -- application code (may use React, React-DOM and JSX)
- app.css -- application styles