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An ember-cli add-on for easy integration with Google Maps. Each object displayed on map is inserted via child component, so you can easily declare which marker and when to display on map using {{#if}} and {{#each}} on template level.


  • ember install ember-g-map


You must define the size of the canvas in which the map is displayed. Simply add something similar to this to your styles:

.g-map-canvas {
  width: 600px;
  height: 400px;

In case you want to make the google map to have full width and height as the parent div, you can do the following:

  height: 100%;
.g-map-canvas {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

In config/environment.js you can specify:

  • additional Google Maps libraries to be loaded along with this add-on (check the full list here),
  • optional API key or client ID for your application (additional info could be found here),
  • optional channel,
  • optional version number,
  • optional exclude parameter, which prevents inclusion of the google maps api script tag into the index.html (in case one wants to handle loading of google maps lib by himself),
  • optional language for map localization,
  • optional explicit protocol setting.
  • optional async fetch the google maps script asynchronously.
ENV['g-map'] = {
  exclude: true,
  libraries: ['places', 'geometry'],
  key: 'your-unique-google-map-api-key',
  client: 'gme-your-unique-google-client-id',
  channel: 'my-google-map-api-channel',
  version: '3.26',
  language: 'ru',
  protocol: 'https',
  async: true


Simple map

{{g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12}}

Map with custom options

Any custom options (except for center and zoom to avoid conflicts) could be set for Google Map object on creation and updated on change.

{{g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 options=customOptions}}

Map with Markers

Mandatory context attribute ties child-elements with the main g-map component. You can also set optional attributes:

  • simple title appearing on hover using title attribute,
  • marker label using label,
  • draggable boolean option,
  • onClick action to track all click events on that marker,
  • onDrag action to track all dragend events on that marker (callback receives new lat and lng in attributes).
  • viewport optional google.maps.LatLngBounds, provides an optimized map viewport for the marker. This is generally provided by the google geocoder
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7933 lng=-122.4167 onClick=(action "handleClick")}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4267 onClick="handleClick" title=titleForSecondMarker}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067 onDrag=(action "handleDrag") label="3" title="Marker #3"}}

Custom Marker Images

You can assign custom images to your markers by pointing the icon attribute to an image file (jpg, png, svg, etc.)

{{g-map-marker context lat=lat lng=lng icon="/assets/images/driver-icon.svg" }}

Complex Marker Icons

You can also create a complex marker icon by defining an icon object and passing it to the icon attribute

myIcon: {
  url: "/assets/images/driver-icon.svg",
  size: new google.maps.Size(30,30),
  scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(20,20),
  anchor: new google.maps.Point(15, 15),
  origin: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
  labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(30, 15),
{{g-map-marker context lat=lat lng=lng icon=myIcon }}

Map with Info Windows

These Info Windows will be open right after component is rendered and will be closed forever after user closes them. You can specify optional onOpen action to trigger anything you need to when the Info Window opens. The infowindow is passed as the only argument to the onOpen action. You can specify optional onClose action to tear down anything you need when Info Window has been closed by user.

Available options (see details in docs):

  • disableAutoPan,
  • maxWidth,
  • pixelOffset
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{#g-map-infowindow context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067}}
    <h1>Info Window with Block</h1>
    <p>Text with {{bound}} variables</p>
    <button {{action "do"}}>Do</button>
  {{g-map-infowindow context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067
                     title="Blockless form" message="Plain text."}}
  {{g-map-infowindow context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067
                     title="With action set"
  {{g-map-infowindow context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067
                     title="With closure action set"
                     onOpen=(action "myOnOpenAction")
                     onClose=(action "myOnCloseAction")}}

Map fits to show all initial Markers

markersFitMode attribute overrides lat, lng, zoom settings. markersFitMode value can be one of:

  • 'init' - which will make the map fit the markers on creation.
  • 'live' - which will keep the map keep fitting the markers as they are added, removed or moved.
{{#g-map markersFitMode='live' as |context|}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7933 lng=-122.4167}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4267}}
  {{g-map-marker context lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4067}}

Map with Markers and bound Info Windows

Markers can have bound Info Windows activated on click. To properly bind Info Window with Marker you should call g-map-marker in block form and set context of Info Window to the one provided by Marker.

You can optionally setup custom openOn/closeOn events for each Info Window, available options are: click, dblclick, rightclick, mouseover, mouseout. By default openOn is set to click and closeOn is set to null. When openOn and closeOn are the same, Info Window visibility is being toggled by this event.

{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{#g-map-marker context lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4267 as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext openOn="mouseover" closeOn="mouseout"}}
      <h2>Bound Info Window</h2>
  {{#g-map-marker context lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4267 as |markerContext|}}
    {{g-map-infowindow markerContext openOn="click" closeOn="click" title="Blockless form 1"}}
  {{#g-map-marker context lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4267 as |markerContext|}}
    {{g-map-infowindow markerContext openOn="dblclick" title="Blockless form 2"}}

Grouped Markers with Info Windows

Additionally you can specify parameter group which ensures that only one Info Window is open at each moment for Markers of each group.

{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}

  {{#g-map-marker context group="cats" lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext}}
      <h2>Cat #1</h2>
  {{#g-map-marker context group="cats" lat=37.7433 lng=-122.4467 as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext}}
      <h2>Cat #2</h2>

  {{#g-map-marker context group="dogs" lat=37.7533 lng=-122.4167 as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext}}
      <h2>Dog #1</h2>
  {{#g-map-marker context group="dogs" lat=37.7733 lng=-122.4467 as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext}}
      <h2>Dog #2</h2>

Marker bound to address query

Proxy g-map-address-marker component takes address string as parameter and translates it to lat/lng/viewport under the hood. The viewport is used internally to fit the map and can be passed as optional parameter.

Optional onLocationChange action hook will send you back coordinates of the latest address search result and the raw array of google.maps.places.PlaceResult objects provided by places library.

Other optional parameters are the same as for g-map-marker. Requires places library to be specified in environment.js.

ENV['g-map'] = {
  libraries: ['places']
actions: {
  onLocationChangeHandler(lat, lng, results) {
    const { viewport } = results[0].geometry;
    Ember.Logger.log(`lat: ${lat}, lng: ${lng}`);
    Ember.Logger.log(`viewport: ${viewport}`);
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{g-map-address-marker context address="San Francisco, Russian Hill"}}
  {{#g-map-address-marker context address="Delft, The Netherlands" as |markerContext|}}
    {{#g-map-infowindow markerContext}}
      Works in block form too.

  {{g-map-address-marker context address=searchedAddress
                         onLocationChange=(action "onLocationChangeHandler")}}
  {{g-map-address-marker context address=anotherSearchedAddress

Map with route between 2 locations

Using Google Maps Directions service.

You can optionally set travel mode with travelMode attr:

  • walking
  • bicycling
  • transit
  • driving (default)

You can optionally set following custom polyline options as attributes:

  • strokeColor
  • strokeWeight
  • strokeOpacity
  • zIndex
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{g-map-route context
                travelMode='driving' strokeColor='red'
                originLat=37.7933 originLng=-122.4167
                destinationLat=37.7733 destinationLng=-122.4167}}

  {{g-map-route context
                travelMode='bicycling' strokeColor='blue' zIndex=10
                originLat=37.7933 originLng=-122.4167
                destinationLat=37.7733 destinationLng=-122.4167}}

Route bound to address queries

Proxy g-map-address-route component takes 2 address strings as parameters and translates them to lat/lng pairs under the hood.

Optional onLocationChange action hook will send you back coordinates of the latest address search result and the raw array of google.maps.places.PlaceResult objects provided by places library.

Other optional parameters are the same as for g-map-route. Requires places library to be specified in environment.js.

ENV['g-map'] = {
  libraries: ['places']
actions: {
  onLocationChangeHandler(lat, lng, results) {
    Ember.Logger.log(`lat: ${lat}, lng: ${lng}`);
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{g-map-address-route context
                        originAddress="Los Angeles, California"
                        destinationAddress="San Francisco, California"}}

  {{g-map-address-route context
                        onLocationChange=(action "onLocationChangeHandler")}}

  {{g-map-address-route context

Route with waypoints

You can add optional waypoints to both {{g-map-route}} and {{g-map-address-route}}. Waypoints could be added using {{g-map-route-waypoint}} or {{g-map-route-address-waypoint}} components.

{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{#g-map-address-route context
                         originAddress="Los Angeles, California"
                         destinationAddress="San Francisco, California"
                         as |routeContext|}}
    {{g-map-route-address-waypoint routeContext address="New York City, New York"}}
    {{g-map-route-waypoint routeContext lat=37.7933 lng=-122.4167}}
    {{g-map-route-address-waypoint routeContext address="Dallas, Texas"}}

Map with Polylines

You can optionally set following custom polyline options as attributes:

  • strokeColor
  • strokeWeight
  • strokeOpacity
  • zIndex
  • clickable
  • draggable
  • geodesic
  • icons
  • visible
  • path
{{#g-map lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4167 zoom=12 as |context|}}
  {{#g-map-polyline context
                    strokeColor="green" strokeWeight="10" strokeOpacity="0.3"
                    geodesic=true draggable=true onDrag=(action "onPolylineDrag") as |coordinateContext|}}
    {{g-map-polyline-coordinate coordinateContext lat=37.7833 lng=-122.4667}}
    {{g-map-polyline-coordinate coordinateContext lat=37.7933 lng=-122.4567}}
    {{g-map-polyline-coordinate coordinateContext lat=37.7933 lng=-122.4667}}

  {{g-map-polyline context path=decodedPolyline}}

For both the onClick and onDrag actions, the arguments are event and polyline:

actions: {
  onPolylineDrag(event, polyline) {
    const bounds = new;

    polyline.getPath().forEach((e) => bounds.extend(e));;


Planned Features

  • Polygons
  • Google Maps events
  • Better DEMO app


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


Licensed under the MIT license


An ember-cli addon for integration with google maps







No packages published


  • JavaScript 96.0%
  • HTML 3.9%
  • CSS 0.1%