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Incorporate heuristics to improve package prioritization #3087
I looked at the numbers of versions tried for some of our benchmark cases: jupyter: UnchangedTried 100 versions: anyio 1, argon2-cffi 1, argon2-cffi-bindings 1, arrow 1, asttokens 1, async-lru 1, attrs 1, babel 1, beautifulsoup4 1, bleach 1, certifi 1, cffi 1, charset-normalizer 1, comm 1, debugpy 1, decorator 1, defusedxml 1, exceptiongroup 1, executing 1, fastjsonschema 1, fqdn 1, h11 1, httpcore 1, httpx 1, idna 1, ipykernel 1, ipython 1, ipywidgets 1, isoduration 1, jedi 1, jinja2 1, json5 1, jsonpointer 1, jsonschema 1, jsonschema-specifications 1, jupyter 1, jupyter-client 1, jupyter-console 1, jupyter-core 1, jupyter-events 1, jupyter-lsp 1, jupyter-server 1, jupyter-server-terminals 1, jupyterlab 1, jupyterlab-pygments 1, jupyterlab-server 1, jupyterlab-widgets 1, markupsafe 1, matplotlib-inline 1, mistune 1, nbclient 1, nbconvert 1, nbformat 1, nest-asyncio 1, notebook 1, notebook-shim 1, overrides 1, packaging 1, pandocfilters 1, parso 1, pexpect 1, platformdirs 1, prometheus-client 1, prompt-toolkit 1, psutil 1, ptyprocess 1, pure-eval 1, pycparser 1, pygments 1, python-dateutil 1, python-json-logger 1, pyyaml 1, pyzmq 1, qtconsole 1, qtpy 1, referencing 1, requests 1, rfc3339-validator 1, rfc3986-validator 1, root 1, rpds-py 1, send2trash 1, six 1, sniffio 1, soupsieve 1, stack-data 1, terminado 1, tinycss2 1, tomli 1, tornado 1, traitlets 1, types-python-dateutil 1, typing-extensions 1, uri-template 1, urllib3 1, wcwidth 1, webcolors 1, webencodings 1, websocket-client 1, widgetsnbextension 1boto3: unchangedboto3: Unchanged Tried 2553 versions: botocore 1697, boto3 849, urllib3 2, jmespath 1, python-dateutil 1, root 1, s3transfer 1, six 1transformers-extras: improvementTried 1191 versions: sagemaker 152, hypothesis 67, tensorflow 21, jsonschema 19, tensorflow-cpu 18, multiprocess 10, pathos 10, tensorflow-text 10, chex 8, tf-keras 8, tf2onnx 8, aiohttp 6, aiosignal 6, alembic 6, annotated-types 6, apscheduler 6, attrs 6, backoff 6, binaryornot 6, black 6, boto3 6, click 6, coloredlogs 6, colorlog 6, dash 6, dash-bootstrap-components 6, dlinfo 6, exceptiongroup 6, execnet 6, fire 6, frozenlist 6, gitdb 6, google-auth 6, google-auth-oauthlib 6, hjson 6, iniconfig 6, jinja2-time 6, markdown 6, markdown-it-py 6, markupsafe 6, mpmath 6, namex 6, nbformat 6, ninja 6, nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 6, onnxconverter-common 6, pandas 6, plac 6, platformdirs 6, pluggy 6, portalocker 6, poyo 6, protobuf3-to-dict 6, py-cpuinfo 6, py3nvml 6, pyarrow 6, pyarrow-hotfix 6, pydantic-core 6, pygments 6, pynvml 6, pypng 6, python-slugify 6, responses 6, smdebug-rulesconfig 6, soupsieve 6, sqlalchemy 6, tensorboard-data-server 6, tensorboard-plugin-wit 6, tensorboardx 6, threadpoolctl 6, tomli 6, wasabi 6, wcwidth 6, werkzeug 6, wheel 6, xxhash 6, zipp 6, etils 5, tensorboard 5, beautifulsoup4 4, cffi 4, clldutils 4, codecarbon 4, datasets 4, dill 4, evaluate 4, gitpython 4, hf-doc-builder 4, kenlm 4, librosa 4, llvmlite 4, nest-asyncio 4, nltk 4, optuna 4, parameterized 4, phonemizer 4, psutil 4, pyctcdecode 4, pytest 4, pytest-timeout 4, pytest-xdist 4, ray 4, rjieba 4, rouge-score 4, ruff 4, sacrebleu 4, sacremoses 4, sigopt 4, sortedcontainers 4, tensorstore 4, timeout-decorator 4, toolz 4, torchaudio 4, accelerate 3, audioread 3, cookiecutter 3, decorator 3, deepspeed 3, faiss-cpu 3, flax 3, fugashi 3, ipadic 3, isort 3, jax 3, jaxlib 3, joblib 3, keras-nlp 3, lazy-loader 3, numba 3, optax 3, pooch 3, pydantic 3, pygtrie 3, rhoknp 3, scikit-learn 3, segments 3, soundfile 3, soxr 3, sudachidict-core 3, sudachipy 3, torch 3, unidic 3, unidic-lite 3, urllib3 3, absl-py 2, arrow 2, astunparse 2, async-timeout 2, botocore 2, cachetools 2, certifi 2, chardet 2, charset-normalizer 2, csvw 2, dash-core-components 2, dash-html-components 2, dash-table 2, diffusers 2, dm-tree 2, fastjsonschema 2, flask 2, flatbuffers 2, fsspec 2, ftfy 2, gast 2, google-pasta 2, greenlet 2, grpcio 2, h5py 2, humanfriendly 2, idna 2, importlib-metadata 2, importlib-resources 2, jinja2 2, jmespath 2, jupyter-core 2, kagglehub 2, keras 2, keras-core 2, keras-preprocessing 2, libclang 2, mako 2, mdurl 2, ml-dtypes 2, msgpack 2, multidict 2, mypy-extensions 2, networkx 2, nvidia-cublas-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 2, nvidia-cudnn-cu12 2, nvidia-cufft-cu12 2, nvidia-curand-cu12 2, nvidia-cusolver-cu12 2, nvidia-cusparse-cu12 2, nvidia-nccl-cu12 2, nvidia-nvtx-cu12 2, onnx 2, onnxruntime 2, onnxruntime-tools 2, opencv-python 2, opt-einsum 2, orbax-checkpoint 2, pathspec 2, plotly 2, pox 2, ppft 2, pyasn1-modules 2, pycparser 2, pyrsistent 2, python-dateutil 2, pytz 2, requests-oauthlib 2, retrying 2, rich 2, rsa 2, s3transfer 2, scipy 2, setuptools 2, six 2, smmap 2, sympy 2, tabulate 2, tensorflow-estimator 2, tensorflow-hub 2, tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 2, termcolor 2, text-unidecode 2, traitlets 2, triton 2, typing-extensions 2, tzdata 2, tzlocal 2, wrapt 2, xmltodict 2, yarl 2, Python 1, av 1, babel 1, bibtexparser 1, blinker 1, colorama 1, decord 1, filelock 1, huggingface-hub 1, isodate 1, itsdangerous 1, language-tags 1, lxml 1, numpy 1, oauthlib 1, packaging 1, pillow 1, protobuf 1, pyasn1 1, pylatexenc 1, pyparsing 1, pyyaml 1, rdflib 1, regex 1, requests 1, rfc3986 1, root 1, safetensors 1, sentencepiece 1, tenacity 1, timm 1, tokenizers 1, torchvision 1, tqdm 1, transformers 1, types-python-dateutil 1, uritemplate 1 PR: Tried 810 versions: tf2onnx 16, chex 8, multiprocess 8, pathos 8, clldutils 7, csvw 5, schema 5, tabulate 5, tensorstore 5, arrow 4, astunparse 4, binaryornot 4, black 4, certifi 4, charset-normalizer 4, click 4, cloudpickle 4, coloredlogs 4, colorlog 4, contextlib2 4, dash 4, dash-core-components 4, dash-html-components 4, dash-table 4, deepspeed 4, dill 4, dlinfo 4, docker 4, evaluate 4, fastjsonschema 4, fsspec 4, fugashi 4, gast 4, google-pasta 4, grpcio 4, hjson 4, humanfriendly 4, idna 4, iniconfig 4, ipadic 4, isort 4, jinja2 4, jinja2-time 4, joblib 4, jsonschema 4, jupyter-core 4, keras 4, libclang 4, mako 4, markdown 4, ml-dtypes 4, mypy-extensions 4, namex 4, nbformat 4, nest-asyncio 4, ninja 4, onnxconverter-common 4, onnxruntime 4, onnxruntime-tools 4, opt-einsum 4, pathspec 4, portalocker 4, pox 4, poyo 4, ppft 4, py3nvml 4, pyarrow-hotfix 4, pycparser 4, python-dateutil 4, python-slugify 4, retrying 4, rfc3986 4, rhoknp 4, rouge-score 4, sacrebleu 4, sagemaker 4, scikit-learn 4, scipy 4, segments 4, six 4, smdebug-rulesconfig 4, sudachidict-core 4, sudachipy 4, tensorboard 4, tensorflow-cpu 4, tensorflow-estimator 4, tensorflow-hub 4, tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 4, tf-keras 4, traitlets 4, types-python-dateutil 4, typing-extensions 4, unidic 4, unidic-lite 4, uritemplate 4, urllib3 4, wrapt 4, xxhash 4, aiohttp 3, aiosignal 3, async-timeout 3, attrs 3, blinker 3, boto3 3, botocore 3, cachetools 3, chardet 3, datasets 3, exceptiongroup 3, filelock 3, flask 3, frozenlist 3, google-auth 3, google-auth-oauthlib 3, hypothesis 3, itsdangerous 3, jmespath 3, jsonschema-specifications 3, markupsafe 3, multidict 3, oauthlib 3, onnx 3, plac 3, platformdirs 3, plotly 3, pluggy 3, pyarrow 3, pyasn1 3, pyasn1-modules 3, pyctcdecode 3, pygtrie 3, pytest 3, ray 3, referencing 3, requests-oauthlib 3, responses 3, rpds-py 3, rsa 3, s3transfer 3, sortedcontainers 3, tblib 3, tenacity 3, tensorboard-data-server 3, tensorboardx 3, text-unidecode 3, threadpoolctl 3, timm 3, tomli 3, toolz 3, torchvision 3, wasabi 3, werkzeug 3, wheel 3, yarl 3, absl-py 2, accelerate 2, alembic 2, annotated-types 2, apscheduler 2, audioread 2, backoff 2, beautifulsoup4 2, cffi 2, dash-bootstrap-components 2, decorator 2, diffusers 2, dm-tree 2, etils 2, execnet 2, faiss-cpu 2, fire 2, flatbuffers 2, flax 2, ftfy 2, gitdb 2, gitpython 2, greenlet 2, h5py 2, hf-doc-builder 2, importlib-metadata 2, jax 2, jaxlib 2, kagglehub 2, kenlm 2, keras-core 2, keras-nlp 2, lazy-loader 2, librosa 2, llvmlite 2, markdown-it-py 2, mdurl 2, mpmath 2, msgpack 2, networkx 2, nltk 2, numba 2, nvidia-cublas-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 2, nvidia-cudnn-cu12 2, nvidia-cufft-cu12 2, nvidia-curand-cu12 2, nvidia-cusolver-cu12 2, nvidia-cusparse-cu12 2, nvidia-nccl-cu12 2, nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 2, nvidia-nvtx-cu12 2, opencv-python 2, optax 2, optuna 2, orbax-checkpoint 2, pandas 2, parameterized 2, phonemizer 2, pooch 2, protobuf 2, psutil 2, py-cpuinfo 2, pydantic 2, pydantic-core 2, pygments 2, pynvml 2, pypng 2, pytest-timeout 2, pytest-xdist 2, pytz 2, rich 2, rjieba 2, sacremoses 2, setuptools 2, sigopt 2, smmap 2, soundfile 2, soupsieve 2, soxr 2, sqlalchemy 2, sympy 2, tensorflow-text 2, termcolor 2, timeout-decorator 2, torch 2, torchaudio 2, triton 2, tzdata 2, tzlocal 2, wcwidth 2, zipp 2, Python 1, av 1, babel 1, bibtexparser 1, codecarbon 1, colorama 1, cookiecutter 1, decord 1, huggingface-hub 1, importlib-resources 1, isodate 1, language-tags 1, lxml 1, numpy 1, packaging 1, pillow 1, pylatexenc 1, pyparsing 1, pyyaml 1, rdflib 1, regex 1, requests 1, root 1, ruff 1, safetensors 1, sentencepiece 1, tensorflow 1, tokenizers 1, tqdm 1, transformers 1, xmltodict 1We should run a number of wall time benchmarks too. |
This is required for evaluating #3087. This also removes tracking of virtual packages from extras from the batch prefetcher (we only track real packages). Let's look at some stats: * jupyter: Tried 100 versions: anyio 1, argon2-cffi 1, argon2-cffi-bindings 1, arrow 1, asttokens 1, async-lru 1, attrs 1, babel 1, beautifulsoup4 1, bleach 1, certifi 1, cffi 1, charset-normalizer 1, comm 1, debugpy 1, decorator 1, defusedxml 1, exceptiongroup 1, executing 1, fastjsonschema 1, fqdn 1, h11 1, httpcore 1, httpx 1, idna 1, ipykernel 1, ipython 1, ipywidgets 1, isoduration 1, jedi 1, jinja2 1, json5 1, jsonpointer 1, jsonschema 1, jsonschema-specifications 1, jupyter 1, jupyter-client 1, jupyter-console 1, jupyter-core 1, jupyter-events 1, jupyter-lsp 1, jupyter-server 1, jupyter-server-terminals 1, jupyterlab 1, jupyterlab-pygments 1, jupyterlab-server 1, jupyterlab-widgets 1, markupsafe 1, matplotlib-inline 1, mistune 1, nbclient 1, nbconvert 1, nbformat 1, nest-asyncio 1, notebook 1, notebook-shim 1, overrides 1, packaging 1, pandocfilters 1, parso 1, pexpect 1, platformdirs 1, prometheus-client 1, prompt-toolkit 1, psutil 1, ptyprocess 1, pure-eval 1, pycparser 1, pygments 1, python-dateutil 1, python-json-logger 1, pyyaml 1, pyzmq 1, qtconsole 1, qtpy 1, referencing 1, requests 1, rfc3339-validator 1, rfc3986-validator 1, root 1, rpds-py 1, send2trash 1, six 1, sniffio 1, soupsieve 1, stack-data 1, terminado 1, tinycss2 1, tomli 1, tornado 1, traitlets 1, types-python-dateutil 1, typing-extensions 1, uri-template 1, urllib3 1, wcwidth 1, webcolors 1, webencodings 1, websocket-client 1, widgetsnbextension 1 * boto3: botocore 1697, boto3 849, urllib3 2, jmespath 1, python-dateutil 1, root 1, s3transfer 1, six 1 * transformers-extras: Tried 1191 versions: sagemaker 152, hypothesis 67, tensorflow 21, jsonschema 19, tensorflow-cpu 18, multiprocess 10, pathos 10, tensorflow-text 10, chex 8, tf-keras 8, tf2onnx 8, aiohttp 6, aiosignal 6, alembic 6, annotated-types 6, apscheduler 6, attrs 6, backoff 6, binaryornot 6, black 6, boto3 6, click 6, coloredlogs 6, colorlog 6, dash 6, dash-bootstrap-components 6, dlinfo 6, exceptiongroup 6, execnet 6, fire 6, frozenlist 6, gitdb 6, google-auth 6, google-auth-oauthlib 6, hjson 6, iniconfig 6, jinja2-time 6, markdown 6, markdown-it-py 6, markupsafe 6, mpmath 6, namex 6, nbformat 6, ninja 6, nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 6, onnxconverter-common 6, pandas 6, plac 6, platformdirs 6, pluggy 6, portalocker 6, poyo 6, protobuf3-to-dict 6, py-cpuinfo 6, py3nvml 6, pyarrow 6, pyarrow-hotfix 6, pydantic-core 6, pygments 6, pynvml 6, pypng 6, python-slugify 6, responses 6, smdebug-rulesconfig 6, soupsieve 6, sqlalchemy 6, tensorboard-data-server 6, tensorboard-plugin-wit 6, tensorboardx 6, threadpoolctl 6, tomli 6, wasabi 6, wcwidth 6, werkzeug 6, wheel 6, xxhash 6, zipp 6, etils 5, tensorboard 5, beautifulsoup4 4, cffi 4, clldutils 4, codecarbon 4, datasets 4, dill 4, evaluate 4, gitpython 4, hf-doc-builder 4, kenlm 4, librosa 4, llvmlite 4, nest-asyncio 4, nltk 4, optuna 4, parameterized 4, phonemizer 4, psutil 4, pyctcdecode 4, pytest 4, pytest-timeout 4, pytest-xdist 4, ray 4, rjieba 4, rouge-score 4, ruff 4, sacrebleu 4, sacremoses 4, sigopt 4, sortedcontainers 4, tensorstore 4, timeout-decorator 4, toolz 4, torchaudio 4, accelerate 3, audioread 3, cookiecutter 3, decorator 3, deepspeed 3, faiss-cpu 3, flax 3, fugashi 3, ipadic 3, isort 3, jax 3, jaxlib 3, joblib 3, keras-nlp 3, lazy-loader 3, numba 3, optax 3, pooch 3, pydantic 3, pygtrie 3, rhoknp 3, scikit-learn 3, segments 3, soundfile 3, soxr 3, sudachidict-core 3, sudachipy 3, torch 3, unidic 3, unidic-lite 3, urllib3 3, absl-py 2, arrow 2, astunparse 2, async-timeout 2, botocore 2, cachetools 2, certifi 2, chardet 2, charset-normalizer 2, csvw 2, dash-core-components 2, dash-html-components 2, dash-table 2, diffusers 2, dm-tree 2, fastjsonschema 2, flask 2, flatbuffers 2, fsspec 2, ftfy 2, gast 2, google-pasta 2, greenlet 2, grpcio 2, h5py 2, humanfriendly 2, idna 2, importlib-metadata 2, importlib-resources 2, jinja2 2, jmespath 2, jupyter-core 2, kagglehub 2, keras 2, keras-core 2, keras-preprocessing 2, libclang 2, mako 2, mdurl 2, ml-dtypes 2, msgpack 2, multidict 2, mypy-extensions 2, networkx 2, nvidia-cublas-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 2, nvidia-cudnn-cu12 2, nvidia-cufft-cu12 2, nvidia-curand-cu12 2, nvidia-cusolver-cu12 2, nvidia-cusparse-cu12 2, nvidia-nccl-cu12 2, nvidia-nvtx-cu12 2, onnx 2, onnxruntime 2, onnxruntime-tools 2, opencv-python 2, opt-einsum 2, orbax-checkpoint 2, pathspec 2, plotly 2, pox 2, ppft 2, pyasn1-modules 2, pycparser 2, pyrsistent 2, python-dateutil 2, pytz 2, requests-oauthlib 2, retrying 2, rich 2, rsa 2, s3transfer 2, scipy 2, setuptools 2, six 2, smmap 2, sympy 2, tabulate 2, tensorflow-estimator 2, tensorflow-hub 2, tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 2, termcolor 2, text-unidecode 2, traitlets 2, triton 2, typing-extensions 2, tzdata 2, tzlocal 2, wrapt 2, xmltodict 2, yarl 2, Python 1, av 1, babel 1, bibtexparser 1, blinker 1, colorama 1, decord 1, filelock 1, huggingface-hub 1, isodate 1, itsdangerous 1, language-tags 1, lxml 1, numpy 1, oauthlib 1, packaging 1, pillow 1, protobuf 1, pyasn1 1, pylatexenc 1, pyparsing 1, pyyaml 1, rdflib 1, regex 1, requests 1, rfc3986 1, root 1, safetensors 1, sentencepiece 1, tenacity 1, timm 1, tokenizers 1, torchvision 1, tqdm 1, transformers 1, types-python-dateutil 1, uritemplate 1 You can reproduce them with python 3.10 and: ``` RUST_LOG=uv_resolver=debug cargo run pip compile -o /dev/null -q scripts/requirements/<input>.in 2>&1 | tail -n 1 ``` Closes #2270 - This is less invasive compared to the other PR, we can revisit number of network/build request tracking later.
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This should greatly improve difficult resolution cases
} | ||
} | ||
} | ||
pub(crate) type PubGrubPriority = Reverse<usize>; | ||
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] | ||
pub(crate) enum PubGrubPriority { |
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This needs some comment about the heuristic, a reference to pip and that a lower entry means we pick it first
╰─▶ Because only package-a==1.0.0 is available and package-a==1.0.0 depends on package-c>=2.0.0b1, we can conclude that all versions of package-a depend on package-c>=2.0.0b1. | ||
And because only package-c<2.0.0b1 is available, we can conclude that all versions of package-a depend on package-c>3.0.0. | ||
And because package-b==1.0.0 depends on package-c and only package-b==1.0.0 is available, we can conclude that all versions of package-b and all versions of package-a are incompatible. | ||
And because you require package-a and you require package-b, we can conclude that the requirements are unsatisfiable. | ||
╰─▶ Because only package-c<2.0.0b1 is available and package-a==1.0.0 depends on package-c>=2.0.0b1, we can conclude that package-a==1.0.0 cannot be used. | ||
And because only package-a==1.0.0 is available and you require package-a, we can conclude that the requirements are unsatisfiable. |
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👀 this seems like a big improvement?
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Haha. It might be somewhat random? Maybe it's not.
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I think we just get to the core of the incompatibility sooner
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Yeah that makes sense.
This is surprisingly elegant, nice work :) |
Wow thanks for this! I won't be able to do more testing today but I checked quickly how this change affected the quite difficult requirements in #1398, performance is about the same (within error margin after three runs). This change picks newer versions of boto3, botocore, and s3transfer, and a much older version of s3fs. This looks like it might be the more desirable user behavior! And if not, it's more obvious that s3fs is older and the user should put a minimum lower bound constraint on it if that's their preferred solution. P.S, a lot of the difficulty in resolving in that example is the seemingly aggressive bounds (in particular upper bounds) that aiobotocore puts on botocore, it makes many user resolutions impossible, e.g. you can't have a new s3fs and a new boto3, and it's not obvious why aiobotocore is the reason to an end user. As you can see from a PR earlier this year, there were no actual functional changes required to increase the upper bound aio-libs/aiobotocore#1087. That's a tradeoff that that project might be happy with, but hopefully this can be seen as an example of why it would be bad for the ecosystem in general to take this approach. |
## Summary We weren't setting a priority for editables, so they were being visited last. I think there's still a problem whereby we're not aggressive enough in visiting recursive extras (and, in fact, that's making it really hard to write a test -- I wrote a test, but the most-reduced case still fails, and I'd need to add a layer of indirection to make it fail-on-main-but-pass-on-this-branch), but that problem likely already existed on main prior to #3087, so I just want to get this quick fix out now. Closes #3127. ## Test Plan - `git clone https://github.com/cda-tum/mqt-core.git` - `cargo run venv` - `cargo run pip install 'scikit-build-core[pyproject]>=0.8.1' 'setuptools_scm>=7' 'pybind11>=2.12' --resolution=lowest-direct` - `cargo run pip install --no-build-isolation '-ve.[test,qiskit,evaluation,coverage]' --resolution=lowest-direct`
See: #3078