An RNA-Seq analysis tool that incorporates a number of bioinformatics programs in a streamlined fashion and displays summary results in an html report.
This pipeline is used for running the PATRIC Transcriptomic Service
pipeline, which provides an interface for users to submit and customise their RNA-Seq experiment analyses along with a number of additional features.
Visit PATRIC for more information
usage: [-h] --jfile JFILE [--sstring SSTRING] -g G [--index] [-p P] [-o O] -d D
An example run (small pair against itself):
python -o ./rnaseq_test/ -g ./test/baumanii_1505311/ -d .rnaseq_baumanii_1505311_diffexp --jfile ./test/baumanii_1505311/2cond_1comp_local.json --sstring {"data_api":"url_base_data_api"}