ref: RNNで来月の航空会社の乗客数を予測する:TFLearnでLSTMからGRUまで実装しよう
ref: Installing TensorFlow on macOS
$ sudo easy_install pip
$ pip install --upgrade virtualenv
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages <targetDirectory> # for Python 2.7
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 <targetDirectory> # for Python 3.n
$ source ./<targetDirectory>/bin/activate # If using bash, sh, ksh, or zsh
$ source ./<targetDirectory>/bin/activate.csh # If using csh or tcsh
(tensorflow)$ easy_install -U pip
(tensorflow)$ pip install --upgrade tensorflow # for Python 2.7
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow==1.3.0 # for Python 3.n
The latest version (1.4.0) has a problem with python 3.6, so as a workaround, specifying 1.3.0 version of tensorflow.
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install pandas
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install matplotlib
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install tflearn
You might need to restart a jupyter kernel.
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install jupyter
(tensorflow)$ deactivate && source tflearn_rnn/bin/activate
(tensorflow)$ jupyter notebook
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install jupyterlab
(tensorflow)$ jupyter lab
(tensorflow)$ pip3 install tensorboard
(tensorflow)$ deactivate && source tflearn_rnn/bin/activate
(tensorflow)$ tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tflearn_logs
Access to http://localhost:6006/
Add the following codes to bin/tensorboard
, line 69.
if hasattr(site, 'getsitepackages'):
# normal execution
sitepackages = site.getsitepackages()
# workaround for virtualenv
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
sitepackages = [get_python_lib()]
for mod in sitepackages:
ref: dmlc/tensorboard/issues/38#issuecomment-343017735
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/kenji/work/sandbox-rnn/tflearn_rnn/bin/tensorboard", line 159, in <module>
File "/Users/kenji/work/sandbox-rnn/tflearn_rnn/bin/tensorboard", line 109, in Main
module_space = FindModuleSpace()
File "/Users/kenji/work/sandbox-rnn/tflearn_rnn/bin/tensorboard", line 76, in FindModuleSpace
for mod in site.getsitepackages():
AttributeError: module 'site' has no attribute 'getsitepackages'
hdf5 is not supported on this machine (please install/reinstall h5py for optimal experience)
pip install h5py
Scipy not supported!
pip install scipy