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Go-based tooling to check/verify filesystem paths as part of a Nagios service check


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Go-based tooling to check/verify filesystem paths as part of a Nagios service check.

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This repo provides a Nagios plugin named check_path that may be used to verify the ownership, group, permissions, age or size of specific files or directories.

While check_path is intended to be a Swiss Army knife-able to check for multiple things, or not, as needed-it probably should not be used to check all the things in a single service check.

Combining too many items together may make the service check harder for others to follow when responding to an alert. Additionally, checking too many attributes could slow down the service check enough that it causes the check to fail from a console-enforced timeout.

For example, instead of checking permissions, owner, group, size and age all on the same path from the same service check, it is probably a better fit to check permissions and ownership from one, and maybe size and age together, or even age and size separated into individual service checks. This way you cover the spectrum while keeping each service check specific enough that any alerts generated from check results have a common theme.


  • Existence checks
    • CRITICAL or WARNING (as specified) if present
  • Age checks
    • CRITICAL and WARNING thresholds
  • Size checks
    • minimum CRITICAL and WARNING thresholds
      • e.g., "path required to be X size or larger"
    • maximum CRITICAL and WARNING thresholds
      • e.g., "path required to be X size or smaller"
  • Username checks
    • CRITICAL or WARNING (as specified) if missing
    • NOTE: this check is not supported on Windows
  • Group Name checks
    • CRITICAL or WARNING (as specified) if missing
    • NOTE: this check is not supported on Windows
  • Optional recursive evaluation toggle
  • Optional "missing OK" toggle for all checks aside from the "existence" checks
  • Optional exclusion of specific paths from evaluation
    • NOTE: This does not apply to "existence" checks
  • Optional "fail fast" behavior in an effort to avoid I/O churn over deep paths

Known issues

Permissions checks

Not included yet. Planned addition as part of the work for GH-6.

fail-fast option

The fail-fast option allows us to evaluate the results of a check immediately instead of waiting for each specified path to be completely crawled (with or without recursion as specified). This optimization helps to avoid unnecessary processing of content once a non-OK state is confirmed. This benefit doesn't come without cost however; as outlined in the subsections below, this setting may produce unexpected results if the sysadmin is not aware of how this setting interacts with other specified options.

Indeterminate exit state

If using the "early exit" behavior provided by the fail-fast flag, this plugin will exit ASAP once a non-OK state is determined, regardless of whether the first non-OK state is CRITICAL or WARNING. Receiving a WARNING state for a path with files/directories which warrant a CRITICAL state result could be confusing to troubleshoot, which is why this behavior is not enabled by default. If you enable this option, just be aware of the tradeoff.

Minimum and Maximum size checks

When the fail-fast option is combined with the logic behind the minimum size (size-min-critical and size-min-warning) or maximum size (size-max-critical and size-max-warning) checks, a state change is triggered upon finding any single file that does not meet the specified thresholds.

That said, the state change for crossing specified thresholds for maximum size is likely to be expected behavior, whereas the state change for minimum size thresholds (due to the use of fail-fast) may not be expected.


  • you specify 10 MB (in bytes) as the minimum acceptable size value,
  • this plugin (seemingly immediately) encounters a file smaller than that
    • e.g., 0 bytes, 500 KB, 9.99 MB


Depending on the specified threshold values, either a WARNING or CRITICAL state change is triggered. This occurs even if the combined size of all files in a specified path safely clears the minimum file threshold values.

Because of this behavior, this combination of options is probably best reserved for monitoring paths receiving file uploads or automatically generated files/reports. In those scenarios, very small (or zero byte) files are usually indicators of a failed task, so having a state change for those cases is both helpful and not surprising.

Outside of those scenarios, combining size-min-critical or size-min-warning with fail-fast is likely to produce unexpected results.


See the file for the changes associated with each release of this application.


The following is a loose guideline. Other combinations of Go and operating systems for building and running tools from this repo may work, but have not been tested.

Building source code

  • Go
    • see this project's go.mod file for preferred version
    • this project tests against officially supported Go releases
      • the most recent stable release (aka, "stable")
      • the prior, but still supported release (aka, "oldstable")
  • GCC
    • if building with custom options (as the provided Makefile does)
  • make
    • if using the provided Makefile


  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04+


From source

  1. Download Go
  2. Install Go
    • NOTE: Pay special attention to the remarks about $HOME/.profile
  3. Clone the repo
    1. cd /tmp
    2. git clone
    3. cd check-path
  4. Install dependencies (optional)
    • for Ubuntu Linux
      • sudo apt-get install make gcc
    • for CentOS Linux
      • sudo yum install make gcc
    • for Windows
      • Emulated environments (easier)
        • Skip all of this and build using the default go build command in Windows (see below for use of the -mod=vendor flag)
        • build using Windows Subsystem for Linux Ubuntu environment and just copy out the Windows binaries from that environment
        • If already running a Docker environment, use a container with the Go tool-chain already installed
        • If already familiar with LXD, create a container and follow the installation steps given previously to install required dependencies
      • Native tooling (harder)
        • see the StackOverflow Question 32127524 link in the References section for potential options for installing make on Windows
        • see the mingw-w64 project homepage link in the References section for options for installing gcc and related packages on Windows
  5. Build binaries
    • for the current operating system, explicitly using bundled dependencies in top-level vendor folder
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_path/
    • for all supported platforms (where make is installed)
      • make all
    • for use on Windows
      • make windows
    • for use on Linux
      • make linux
  6. Copy the newly compiled binary from the applicable /tmp subdirectory path (based on the clone instructions in this section) below and deploy where needed.
    • if using Makefile
      • look in /tmp/check-path/release_assets/check_path/
    • if using go build
      • look in /tmp/check-path/

NOTE: Depending on which Makefile recipe you use the generated binary may be compressed and have an xz extension. If so, you should decompress the binary first before deploying it (e.g., xz -d check_path-linux-amd64.xz).

Using release binaries

  1. Download the latest release binaries
  2. Decompress binaries
    • e.g., xz -d check_path-linux-amd64.xz
  3. Deploy
    • Place check_path alongside your other Nagios plugins
      • e.g., /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ or /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/


DEB and RPM packages are provided as an alternative to manually deploying binaries.



The priority order is:

  1. Command line flags (highest priority)
  2. Environment variables
  3. Default settings (lowest priority)

In general, command-line options are the primary way of configuring settings for this application, but environment variables are also a supported alternative. Most plugin settings require that a value be specified by the sysadmin, though some (e.g., logging) have useful defaults.

Command-line Arguments

  • Flags marked as required must be set via CLI flag or environment variable.
  • Flags not marked as required are for settings where a useful default is already defined.
  • critical and warning threshold values are required for age and size checks.
  • For username and group-name checks, only one of critical or warning may be specified; specifying both is a configuration error.
Option Required Default Repeat Possible Description
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
emit-branding No false No true, false Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
paths Yes empty list No one or more valid files and directories List of comma or space-separated paths to check.
ignore No empty list No one or more valid files and directories List of comma or space-separated paths to ignore. Does not apply to existence checks.
recurse No false No true, false Perform recursive search into subdirectories.
missing-ok No false No true, false Whether a missing path is considered OK. Incompatible with exists-critical or exists-warning options.
fail-fast No false No true, false Whether this plugin prioritizes speed of check results over always returning a CRITICAL state result before a WARNING state. This can be useful for processing large collections of content.
age-critical No 0 No 2+ (minimum 1 greater than warning) Assert that age for specified paths is less than or equal to the specified age in days, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
age-warning No 0 No 1+ (minimum of 1) Assert that age for specified paths is less than or equal to the specified age in days, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
size-min-critical No 0 No 1+ (minimum of 1) Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or greater, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
size-min-warning No 0 No 2+ (minimum 1 larger than size-min-critical) Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or greater, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
size-max-critical No 0 No 2+ (minimum 1 greater than size-max-warning) Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or less, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
size-max-warning No 0 No 1+ (minimum of 1) Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or less , otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
exists-critical No false No true, false Assert that specified paths are missing, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
exists-warning No false No true, false Assert that specified paths are missing, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
username-missing-critical No false No valid username (not supported on Windows) Assert that specified owner/username is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
username-missing-warning No false No valid username (not supported on Windows) Assert that specified owner/username is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
group-name-missing-critical No false No valid group name (not supported on Windows) Assert that specified group name is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
group-name-missing-warning No false No valid group name (not supported on Windows) Assert that specified group name is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.

Environment Variables

If used, command-line arguments override the equivalent environment variables listed below. See the Command-line Arguments table for more information.

Flag Name Environment Variable Name Notes Example (mostly using default values)
paths CHECK_PATH_PATHS_INCLUDE CHECK_PATH_PATHS_INCLUDE="/var/log/apache2 /var/log/samba"
ignore CHECK_PATH_PATHS_IGNORE CHECK_PATH_PATHS_IGNORE="/var/log/apache2/access.log"


Help output

$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --help

Go-based tooling to check/verify filesystem paths as part of a Nagios service check
check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (

Usage: check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 [--log-level LOG-LEVEL] [--emit-branding] [--paths PATHS] [--ignore IGNORE] [--recurse] [--missing-ok] [--fail-fast] [--age-critical AGE-CRITICAL] [--age-warning AGE-WARNING] [--size-min-critical SIZE-MIN-CRITICAL] [--size-min-warning SIZE-MIN-WARNING] [--size-max-critical SIZE-MAX-CRITICAL] [--size-max-warning SIZE-MAX-WARNING] [--exists-critical] [--exists-warning] [--username-missing-critical USERNAME-MISSING-CRITICAL] [--username-missing-warning USERNAME-MISSING-WARNING] [--group-name-missing-critical GROUP-NAME-MISSING-CRITICAL] [--group-name-missing-warning GROUP-NAME-MISSING-WARNING]

  --log-level LOG-LEVEL
                         Maximum log level at which messages will be logged. Log messages below this threshold will be discarded.
  --emit-branding        Whether 'generated by' text is included at the bottom of application output. This output is included in the Nagios dashboard and notifications. This output may not mix well with branding output from other tools such as atc0005/send2teams which also insert their own branding output.
  --paths PATHS          List of comma or space-separated paths to check.
  --ignore IGNORE        List of comma or space-separated paths to ignore. Does not apply to existence checks.
  --recurse              Perform recursive search into subdirectories per provided path.
  --missing-ok           Whether a missing path is considered OK. Incompatible with exists-critical or exists-warning options.
  --fail-fast            Whether this plugin prioritizes speed of check results over always returning a CRITICAL state result before a WARNING state. This can be useful for processing large collections of content.
  --age-critical AGE-CRITICAL
                         Assert that age for specified paths is less than or equal to the specified age in days, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --age-warning AGE-WARNING
                         Assert that age for specified paths is less than or equal to the specified age in days, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --size-min-critical SIZE-MIN-CRITICAL
                         Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or greater, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --size-min-warning SIZE-MIN-WARNING
                         Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or greater, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --size-max-critical SIZE-MAX-CRITICAL
                         Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or less, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --size-max-warning SIZE-MAX-WARNING
                         Assert that size for specified paths is the specified size in bytes or less , otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --exists-critical      Assert that specified paths are missing, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --exists-warning       Assert that specified paths are missing, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --username-missing-critical USERNAME-MISSING-CRITICAL
                         Assert that specified owner/username is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --username-missing-warning USERNAME-MISSING-WARNING
                         Assert that specified owner/username is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --group-name-missing-critical GROUP-NAME-MISSING-CRITICAL
                         Assert that specified group name is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be CRITICAL.
  --group-name-missing-warning GROUP-NAME-MISSING-WARNING
                         Assert that specified group name is present on all content in specified paths, otherwise consider state to be WARNING.
  --help, -h             display this help and exit
  --version              display version and exit

Existence check


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --exists-critical --paths /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
CRITICAL: file "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz": path exists


* file "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz": path exists


* CRITICAL: [Paths exist]


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Path "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
** Last Modified: 2020-10-15 05:23:50.0738968 -0500 CDT


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --exists-warning --paths /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
WARNING: file "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz": path exists


* file "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz": path exists


* WARNING: [Paths exist]


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Path "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
** Last Modified: 2020-10-15 05:23:50.0738968 -0500 CDT

Age check

error examining path

An example where sudo is needed to handle permission errors.

$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --age-warning 15 --age-critical 30 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"error examining path \"/tmp\": open /tmp/tmp0dyy3wu9: permission denied","recursive":false,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"error processing path"}
CRITICAL: Error processing path: /tmp


* error examining path "/tmp": open /tmp/tmp0dyy3wu9: permission denied


* CRITICAL: [File age in days: 30]
* WARNING: [File age in days: 15]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (


$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --age-warning 15 --age-critical 30 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"old files found in path","critical_age_days":30,"warning_age_days":15,"age_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"old files found"}
CRITICAL: file older than 30 days (65.06) found [path: "/tmp"]


* 29 files & directories evaluated: old files found in path


* CRITICAL: [File age in days: 30]
* WARNING: [File age in days: 15]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* File
** parent dir: "/tmp"
** name: "go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
** age: 65.06013975135417


$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --age-warning 30 --age-critical 90 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"old files found in path","critical_age_days":90,"warning_age_days":30,"age_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"old files found"}
WARNING: file older than 30 days (65.06) found [path: "/tmp"]


* 29 files & directories evaluated: old files found in path


* CRITICAL: [File age in days: 90]
* WARNING: [File age in days: 30]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* File
** parent dir: "/tmp"
** name: "go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
** age: 65.06036823248265

Size check

Maximum file size


Without recursion. This check looks only at the files in the immediate /tmp directory, not subdirectories.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-max-warning 100000000 --size-max-critical 121097000 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too large (29 evaluated)","critical_size_max_bytes":121097000,"warning_size_max_bytes":100000000,"actual_size_bytes":594897382,"actual_size_hr":"567.3 MiB","size_max_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too large (29 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: maximum size threshold crossed; 567.3 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too large (29 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Max File size (bytes: 121097000, Human: 115.5 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Max File size (bytes: 100000000, Human: 95.4 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 594897382
** human-readable: 567.3 MiB

With recursion:

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-max-warning 100000000 --size-max-critical 121097000 --paths /tmp/ --recurse
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too large (4675 evaluated)","critical_size_max_bytes":121097000,"warning_size_max_bytes":100000000,"actual_size_bytes":854523940,"actual_size_hr":"814.9 MiB","size_max_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too large (4675 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: maximum size threshold crossed; 814.9 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too large (4675 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Max File size (bytes: 121097000, Human: 115.5 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Max File size (bytes: 100000000, Human: 95.4 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: true
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 854523940
** human-readable: 814.9 MiB
WARNING, enable fail-fast option

Combining the fail-fast option with size-max-warning and size-max-critical triggers a state change upon finding any single file that does not meet the specified thresholds.

See the Known issues section for more details.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-max-warning 1000 --size-max-critical 121097000 --paths /tmp/ --fail-fast
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too large (4 evaluated)","critical_size_max_bytes":121097000,"warning_size_max_bytes":1000,"actual_size_bytes":3400457,"actual_size_hr":"3.2 MiB","size_max_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too large (4 evaluated)"}
WARNING: maximum size threshold crossed; 3.2 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too large (4 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Max File size (bytes: 121097000, Human: 115.5 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Max File size (bytes: 1000, Human: 1000 B)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: true
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 3400457
** human-readable: 3.2 MiB

Minimum Size check


Recursively assert that /tmp is greater than specified thresholds in bytes.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 150000000 --size-min-critical 121097000 --paths /tmp/ --recurse
{"level":"info","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","age_check_enabled":false,"size_min_check_enabled":true,"size_max_check_enabled":false,"caller":"","message":"1/1 specified paths pass min size validation checks (0 missing, 0 ignored by request)"}
OK: 1/1 specified paths pass min size validation checks (0 missing, 0 ignored by request)


* None


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 121097000, Human: 115.5 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 150000000, Human: 143.1 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: true
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (

Without recursion:

Here there is 594897382 bytes (directly within /tmp, not including subdirectories), but we specified that only values greater than or equal to 964523940 bytes were acceptable.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 964523940 --size-min-critical 944523940 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)","critical_size_min_bytes":944523940,"warning_size_min_bytes":964523940,"actual_size_bytes":594897382,"actual_size_hr":"567.3 MiB","size_min_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: minimum size threshold crossed; 567.3 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 944523940, Human: 900.8 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 964523940, Human: 919.8 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 594897382
** human-readable: 567.3 MiB

With recursion:

Here there is 854523940 bytes (within /tmp, including subdirectories), but we specified that only values greater than or equal to 964523940 bytes were acceptable.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 964523940 --size-min-critical 944523940 --paths /tmp/ --recurse
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)","critical_size_min_bytes":944523940,"warning_size_min_bytes":964523940,"actual_size_bytes":854523940,"actual_size_hr":"814.9 MiB","size_min_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: minimum size threshold crossed; 814.9 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 944523940, Human: 900.8 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 964523940, Human: 919.8 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: true
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 854523940
** human-readable: 814.9 MiB

Without recursion:

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 854523941 --size-min-critical 844523940 --paths /tmp/
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)","critical_size_min_bytes":844523940,"warning_size_min_bytes":854523941,"actual_size_bytes":594897382,"actual_size_hr":"567.3 MiB","size_min_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: minimum size threshold crossed; 567.3 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too small (29 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 844523940, Human: 805.4 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 854523941, Human: 814.9 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 594897382
** human-readable: 567.3 MiB

With recursion:

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 854523941 --size-min-critical 844523940 --paths /tmp/ --recurse
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)","critical_size_min_bytes":844523940,"warning_size_min_bytes":854523941,"actual_size_bytes":854523940,"actual_size_hr":"814.9 MiB","size_min_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)"}
WARNING: minimum size threshold crossed; 814.9 MiB found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too small (4675 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 844523940, Human: 805.4 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 854523941, Human: 814.9 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: true
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 854523940
** human-readable: 814.9 MiB
CRITICAL, enable fail-fast behavior

Combining the fail-fast option with size-min-warning and size-min-critical triggers a state change upon finding any single file that does not meet the specified thresholds.

See the Known issues section for more details.

$ sudo ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --size-min-warning 900000000 --size-min-critical 700000000 --paths /tmp/ --recurse --fail-fast
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"evaluated files in specified path too small (1 evaluated)","critical_size_min_bytes":700000000,"warning_size_min_bytes":900000000,"actual_size_bytes":0,"actual_size_hr":"0 B","size_min_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp","caller":"","message":"evaluated files in specified path too small (1 evaluated)"}
CRITICAL: minimum size threshold crossed; 0 B found in path "/tmp"


* evaluated files in specified path too small (1 evaluated)


* CRITICAL: [Min File size (bytes: 700000000, Human: 667.6 MiB)]
* WARNING: [Min File size (bytes: 900000000, Human: 858.3 MiB)]


* Paths to check: [/tmp]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: true
* Fail-Fast: true
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (
* Size
** path: "/tmp"
** bytes: 0
** human-readable: 0 B

Username check

Our example file:

$ ls -l /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root ubuntu 121097663 Oct 15 05:23 /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --username-missing-critical ubuntu --paths /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"requested username not set on file/directory","username_check_enabled":true,"group_name_check_enabled":false,"path":"/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz","caller":"","message":"found username \"root\"; expected \"ubuntu\" [path: \"/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz\"]"}
CRITICAL: found username "root"; expected "ubuntu" [path: "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"]


* requested username not set on file/directory


* Not specified


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --username-missing-warning ubuntu --paths /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"requested username not set on file/directory","username_check_enabled":true,"group_name_check_enabled":false,"path":"/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz","caller":"","message":"found username \"root\"; expected \"ubuntu\" [path: \"/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz\"]"}
WARNING: found username "root"; expected "ubuntu" [path: "/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"]


* requested username not set on file/directory


* Not specified


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (

Group Name check

Our example file:

$ ls -l /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root ubuntu 121097663 Oct 15 05:23 /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --group-name-missing-critical ubuntu --paths /tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
{"level":"info","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","age_check_enabled":false,"size_min_check_enabled":false,"size_max_check_enabled":false,"caller":"","message":"1/1 specified paths pass group name validation checks (0 missing, 0 ignored by request)"}
OK: 1/1 specified paths pass group name validation checks (0 missing, 0 ignored by request)


* None


* Not specified


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (


This is a contrived example of checking for a file that we expect to find, but doesn't exist.

$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --group-name-missing-warning ubuntu --paths /tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"error examining path \"/tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz\": path does not exist: /tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz","recursive":false,"path":"/tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz","caller":"","message":"error processing path"}
CRITICAL: Error processing path: /tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz


* error examining path "/tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz": path does not exist: /tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz


* Not specified


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (


$ ./release_assets/check_path/check_path-v0.1.1-28-gf18e040-linux-amd64 --group-name-missing-warning ubuntu --paths /tmp/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
{"level":"error","version":"v0.1.1-28-gf18e040","logging_level":"info","error":"requested group name not set on file/directory","username_check_enabled":false,"group_name_check_enabled":true,"path":"/tmp/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz","caller":"","message":"found group name \"root\"; expected \"ubuntu\" [path: \"/tmp/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz\"]"}
WARNING: found group name "root"; expected "ubuntu" [path: "/tmp/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz"]


* requested group name not set on file/directory


* Not specified


* Paths to check: [/tmp/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz]
* Paths to ignore: []
* Recursive search: false
* Fail-Fast: false
* Plugin: check-path v0.1.1-28-gf18e040 (


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Adam Chalkley

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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