Karkas works according to database first principle.
Karkas supports following databases:
- Sql Server
- Oracle
- Sqlite
Code generation has following interfaces:
- console app
- windows forms (Windows only)
- Asp.Net (planned)
Using above interfaces and given database schema, karkas generates following code libraries for every table.
- TypeLibrary (POCO plain ordinary csharp objects)
- Dal (Data Access Layer)
- Bs (Business Services)
Web-UI->>+Web-API: sends TypeLibrary JSON
Web-API->>+Bs: Call Bs Insert method with argument TypeLibrary
Bs->>+Dal: Call Dal Insert method with argument TypeLibrary
Dal->>+Database: Send SQL statement
Database-->>-Dal: Send Result Back
Dal-->>-Bs: Send Result Back
Bs-->>-Web-API: Send Result Back
Web-API-->>-Web-UI: Send Result Back
Unfortunately, there is no easy installation right now. Clone the project and run the Karkas.CodeGeneration.WinApp project in Visual Studio
Karkas uses Visual Studio 2022 but generated code is usable from .NET 4, .Net Core 1-3 and .Net 6, and .Net 7 and .Net 8.
Karkas is released under the BSD-3 License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.