- Sydney, Australia
- https://www.airteam.com.au/
- @tkinson
- Pro
pyrtlsdr Public
Forked from pyrtlsdr/pyrtlsdrA Python wrapper for librtlsdr (a driver for Realtek RTL2832U based SDR's)
Python UpdatedAug 1, 2024 -
band-plans Public
machine readable representation of RF frequency band plans
snowplow-serverless Public
Forked from dumkydewilde/snowplow-serverlessA cheap, serverless version of Snowplow deployed with Terraform that runs on dumky.net
HCL MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2024 -
scrobler Public
Scrobble radio stations that publish their playlist.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedFeb 7, 2024 -
wagmi Public archive
An execution framework for systematic strategies
ftx Public
Forked from quan-digital/ftxLibrary for connecting to the FTX API.
twilio-video-app-react Public
Forked from twilio/twilio-video-app-reactA collaboration application built with the twilio-video.js SDK and React.js
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 11, 2021 -
empyrical Public
Forked from quantopian/empyricalCommon financial risk and performance metrics. Used by zipline and pyfolio.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 5, 2020 -
pyfolio Public
Forked from quantopian/pyfolioPortfolio and risk analytics in Python
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 29, 2020 -
django-ztask Public
Forked from dmgctrl/django-ztaskA simple framework for backgrounding tasks with Django, built on top of ZeroMQ.
django-basic-models Public
Forked from ibryce/django-basic-modelsAbstract model classes for Django.
Python Other UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -
django-chump Public
Forked from litchfield/django-chumpYet another little app for throwing a MailChimp subscribe form into a Django project
Python UpdatedAug 20, 2014 -
django-select2-forms Public
Forked from SpectralAngel/django-select2-formsDjango form fields using the Select2 jQuery plugin
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 10, 2014 -
django-calendarium Public
Forked from bitlabstudio/django-calendariumA reusable Django app to manage and display a calendar in your templates.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 29, 2013 -
django-positions Public
Forked from jpwatts/django-positionsA Django field for custom model ordering.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 18, 2013 -
django-todo Public
Forked from shacker/django-todoA multi-user, multi-group todo/ticketing system for Django sites
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 31, 2013 -
django-haystack Public
Forked from django-haystack/django-haystackModular search for Django. Currently v2.0.1-dev.
Python Other UpdatedAug 5, 2013 -
pysolr Public
Forked from django-haystack/pysolrPysolr 3.1.0. The official source.
django-fiber Public
Forked from django-fiber/django-fiberDjango Fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django projects
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 11, 2013 -
django-taggit Public
Forked from jazzband/django-taggitSimple tagging for django
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 3, 2013 -
django-tz-detect Public
Forked from adamcharnock/django-tz-detectEasy user timezone detection for Django
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2013 -
django-sphinx Public
Forked from Yuego/django-sphinxA transparent layer for full-text search using Sphinx and Django
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 1, 2013 -
opensource-olark Public
Forked from alagu/hummingbirdI tried to build my own version of olark, just because I can. It works :)
django-axes Public
Forked from jazzband/django-axesKeep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2013 -
django-spotnet Public
Forked from alvra/django-spotnetA Django app to manage and download posts from Spotnet.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 2, 2013 -
rawes Public
Forked from humangeo/rawesLow level elasticsearch driver for Python
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2012 -
django-socketio Public
Forked from stephenmcd/django-socketioA Django app providing the features required to use websockets with Django via Socket.IO
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 23, 2012 -
snowplow Public
Forked from snowplow/snowplowOpen-source web-scale analytics, powered by Hadoop and Hive
Scala UpdatedOct 14, 2012