[GRaM at ICML'24] Relaxed Equivariant Graph Neural Networks.
This repo contains code for Relaxed Graph Equivariant Neural Networks (https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20471).
e3nn requires PyTorch >=1.8.0 For installation instructions, please see the PyTorch homepage.
First you have to install pytorch_geometric. For torch
1.11 and no CUDA support:
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall torch-scatter -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.11.0+${CUDA}.html
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall torch-sparse -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.11.0+${CUDA}.html
pip install torch-geometric
See here to get cuda support or newer versions.
$ pip install e3nn
We provide code for two toy experiments.
shape_deformations_3d.ipynb contains symmetry breaking examples deforming a cube into a rectangular prism/an asymmetric shape. We demonstrate that the relaxed weights are interpretable through plotting their spherical harmonic projections (see the paper for more detail).
electric_field_sim.ipynb contains an example learning the direction of the electric and magnetic force for a charged particle in a magnetic field.
relaxed_e3nn_conv.py contains a simple relaxed e3nn convolution model made of stacked RelaxedConvolutions. The electric_field_model folder contains an example of how to incorporate the relaxed e3nn layer into a more complicated model based on the sample networks contained in e3nn. The files modified to contain the relaxed equivariant layer are specifically based SimpleNetwork and NetworkForAGraphWithAttributes in e3nn here. Within the electric_field_model, relaxed_points_conv.py modifies the points convolution in e3nn. gate_points_message_passing_relaxed.py modifies the message passing to use the relaxed convolution. gate_points_networks_relaxed.py modifies the sample message passing graph neural network models in e3nn to use the relaxed convolution layer.