Generate a Node microservice with Docker, Express, Babel, Node Inspector support, and optional directory-based routing conventions.
This is a generator for atomiq.
provides very lightweight structure and support useful for
Express-based microservices. It is not a framework and doesn't get in
the way of Express, but it does offer a nice convention for
directory-based routing that you can use if you choose to.
This generator will scaffold an app that correctly handles signals
for graceful server shutdown, including inside of a Docker container.
It provides a useful set of docker-compose files for running containers
for production and development (mounts the local dist
during development).
It generates a few sample routes using ES6 classes and provides a simple Node.js make script that supports building, running, and testing locally and in a Docker container.
node make clean
- remove thedist
directorynode make dist
- copies everything todist
directory except .js filesnode make babel
- transpilesrc
with sourcemaps (ES6 and async/await support)node make build
- transpile, then build a Docker imagenode make run
- start in container or start locally (--local)node make test
- run mocha tests in container or locally (--local)node make debug
- run with debugging support in container or locally (--local)node make watch
- when anything in src changes, re-transpile to distnode make monitor
- when anything in dist changes, restart server in container or locally (--local)node make host
- get Docker machine IP:PORT for the app running in a container (app must be running)
- Docker support for production and development, including debugging support with Node Inspector
- Signal handling for graceful server shutdown (including inside of Docker containers)
- Babel support
- ESLint / esformatter support
First, install Yeoman and generator-atomiq using npm. Requires Node.js v4 or v5.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-atomiq
Then generate your new microservice project:
yo atomiq [name]
See new project
for further instructions.
This generator was build with Yeoman.