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Atomist 'rug-function-http'

Build Status

HTTP Rug Function based on


  • url: string - Used for all methods
  • method: string - One of get, post, put, head and delete
  • config: object(map) - JSON serializable datastructure representing the rest of the request


Currently we employ strict URL whitelisting to all requests. Below is the current static whitelist:

     :github         {:patterns #{"^https://api\\.github\\.com/.*$"}}
     :google         {:patterns #{"^https://www\\.googleapis\\.com/.*$"}}
     :heroku         {:patterns #{"^https://api\\.heroku\\.com/.*$"}}
     :stack-overflow {:patterns #{"^http://api\\.stackexchange\\.com/.*$"}}
     :yahoo          {:patterns #{"^http://query\\.yahooapis\\.com/.*$"}}
     :lebowski       {:patterns #{"^http://lebowski\\.me/.*$"}}
     :xkcd           {:patterns #{"^http://xkcd\\.com/.*$"}}
     :npm            {:patterns #{"^https://registry\\.npmjs\\.org/.*$"}}
     :jfrog          {:patterns #{"^https://.+?\\.jfrog\\.io/.*$"}}
     :aws            {:patterns #{"^https://.+?\\.amazonaws\\.com/.*$"}}
     :slack          {:patterns #{"^https://slack\\.com/api/.*$"}}}

The static list above can be merged with an external list from a file who's name is specified by a system property.


java -Dhttp.whitelist.file=/etc/whitelist.edn

**NOTE: If there are duplicate keys in the file, the values from the file overwrite those in the above static list.


General support questions should be discussed in the #support channel on our community Slack team at

If you find a problem, please create an issue.


$ boot build


$ boot build midje

All invocations of boot will generate a Lein project.clj for editors and IDEs that need it


To create a new release of the project, simply push a tag of the form M.N.P where M, N, and P are integers that form the next appropriate semantic version for release. For example:

$ git tag -a 1.2.3

The Travis CI build (see badge at the top of this page) will automatically create a GitHub release using the tag name for the release and the comment provided on the annotated tag as the contents of the release notes. It will also automatically upload the needed artifacts.

Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack team.