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haukepetersen edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 4 revisions

This page is supposed to streamline the next RIOT release.

Release Plan

Milestone for having all PRs merged: October 24, 2014

Aimed release date: October 31, 2014

Planned Features

Feature Details Assigned to Status
Network Stack
new link layer and driver interface Kévin and Martine under review
fix ND Martine in progress
decouple IPv6 and 6LoWPAN
Border Router Martine not yet started
RPL restructuring Fabian partly done
RPL non-storing Fabian under review
AODVv2 Lotte awaiting PR
OLSRv2 Ben under review
Transport Layer refactoring splitting UDP/TCP Cenk done
fix TCP Cenk done(?)
JSON as UBJSON René under review
as CBOR Kevin done
plain JSON - skip for this release
HTTP at least GET and POST, PUT, DELETE (for MQTT interoperability) Christian skip for this release
Hardware support
IoT-Lab_M3 support fix vtimer Thomas in progress
address open issues Thomas in progress
advanced radio driver Thomas not yet started
sensor support Hauke in progress
more MCU support complete support for boards from each main ARM vendor in progress
Freescale ARM Thomas skip for this release
STM Hauke and Thomas done
Atmel Thomas, Hauke, Aarhus guy initially done
Nordic Hauke done
additional radio drivers XBee Kévin under review
nRF24I01 Peter in progress
power management for STM32F4 and Arduino Hauke unknown
cppcheck in CI Hinnerk and Ludwig in progress
Unittests core Martine done
CBOR Kevin done
rest of the system ? skip for this release?
Network testing automation RPL-UDP in desvirt Oleg in progress
IoT-Lab UDP one-hop example Oleg in progress
automate IoT-Lab testing next release
IPC improvement Kaspar under review
DEVELHELP assertions ? skip for this release


(*) star-marked items are optional for the release

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