Python- and C-based room impulse response generator, for use in convolutional reverb.
Official Python port of
pip install rir-generator
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ss
import soundfile as sf
import rir_generator as rir
signal, fs ="bark.wav", always_2d=True)
h = rir.generate(
c=340, # Sound velocity (m/s)
fs=fs, # Sample frequency (samples/s)
r=[ # Receiver position(s) [x y z] (m)
[2, 1.5, 1],
[2, 1.5, 2],
[2, 1.5, 3]
s=[2, 3.5, 2], # Source position [x y z] (m)
L=[5, 4, 6], # Room dimensions [x y z] (m)
reverberation_time=0.4, # Reverberation time (s)
nsample=4096, # Number of output samples
print(h.shape) # (4096, 3)
print(signal.shape) # (11462, 2)
# Convolve 2-channel signal with 3 impulse responses
signal = ss.convolve(h[:, None, :], signal[:, :, None])
print(signal.shape) # (15557, 2, 3)