Proof of Contract Stake (PoCS) is a staking system utilizing contract gas history introducing code-mining by incentivizing developers to secure the network. Contracts’ stake scores depend on age, reputation, and gas use, deterring collusion attacks. Further information on PoCS Protocol Design are detailed in the PoCS Research Page
This Substrate Node is an adaptation of the substrate-stencil to integrate PoCS protocol, which includes modified pallet_contracts and pallet_staking that supports Contract Staking Feature interoperable with current Substrate NPoS-BABE-GRANDPA public node infrastructure.
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
Run the Rust Setup Script
chmod +x && ./
Build the project in release mode:
cargo build --release
Run the executable with the specified configuration:
./target/release/pocs --dev
Use Polkadot-JS-App and Contracts UI to interact with the Node. Refer to Testing for extended information.
Sincere Thanks to the Web3 Foundation for their vital grant support, enabling the progress of PoCS Substrate Implementation project. For project application details, visit the PoCS W3F Grant Application