This repository holds the VS Code Extension that provides language support for AutoStep.
This includes:
- As-you-type compilation and linking of your tests
- Intellisense and Auto-Complete for steps.
- Choosing Tests to Run
AutoStep is currently under development (in alpha). You can grab the VSIX for this extension from the build artifacts until we release a version to the marketplace (or run locally, see below).
To build and run this extension locally, you will need:
- The dotnet core 3.1 SDK installed.
- node, version 12+
- powershell (powershell core on linux or mac is fine)
To debug, open VS Code in the root of this repo and press F5. This will:
- Run the ./build.ps1 script (in debug build mode)
- Launch the VSCode debug instance with the extension loaded.
- When the language server starts, it will automatically attempt to run a debugger (
), to give you an option to attach to it.
Take a look at the VS Code docs on debugging extensions for more details.